Thursday, June 14, 2007


Update on the week:
Daughter and hubs had a blow out last night over the newspaper announcement. Settled it tonight. Everyone happy. Announcement sent in to paper by us.

Interviewed 2 doctors to work for us. Neither passed the 1st interview. One wanted to work 1-2 days per week but that would depend on when her sitter can babysit and would change every week. Other doesn't have the credentials and was practicing outside what our state says she can do. 4 more next week scheduled.

PMSing office employee better. Got her period and is on meds so calm today.

Tooth pain better but still can't eat anything but mush. Kinda getting used to it and gotta say it's great for the wedding diet.

Foot pain better but don't tell hubs....his ego would get too big. Nothing worse than an egotistical doctor who was right in the first place, especially if he is your husband.

So I am thinking....ok halfway through the week.....gotta get better......then I wake up. Ever have one of those days that you just had a feeling something was going to go horribly wrong before the end of the day? Had that feeling this morning. Morning hours passed with no problems. Afternoon....should have known and listened to my gut. When a geek says something is simple computer wise, it usually isn't. I killed an office computer today.

Son in law to be (SIL2be) is a network administrator and who I called in a panic....I felt him laughing at what I did. Ok ok ok....I will spill what I did. The front office computer was running slow. I had SIL2be check it last week to take off start up items that didn't need to be on startup, thinking it would run a bit faster. Well, he said you barely have anything loading but Windows XP and Norton's. The reason why the computer won't respond is the only had 256 ram. So he wrote down what I was to buy. I finally had time last night to go to Best Buy and get what I needed...only of course they didn't have it exactly....the geek there said this other one is larger and is compatible. I didn't believe him so I called SIL2be and he said well if they said it was ok, then try it. He said it was simple to put it in...only one way it clicks in.

Yeah. Right. Should. Not. Have. Listened.

To make a long story short.....I guess I put the memory card in upside down and fried my motherboard (no clue what that is but heard it's bad....real bad). Now in my defense.....both geek and SIL2be said putting in the memory card is easy. It can only go in one way. Well, it went in my way too so I call that defective advertising. It can go in 2 right and one wrong. So I brought home tower for SIL2be to see if it is salvageable.

Just the right topping for my week. Thank goodness I don't have anything to do tomorrow but pay bills, balance the checkbook, take care of my grandpuppies and dogsitting for my niece's lab for the weekend. Fri night we are taking hub's parents to dinner for Father's Day. Saturday all I have to do is the wedding and reception for another niece. Sunday church......and laundry. Sounds peaceful. I mean what else can happen this week that hasn't already happened?