Sunday, November 14, 2010

Inspirational Sunday - Living in the Past

I bring this up because I am still trying to understand how I lost a friendship. So instead of living in the present, I am living in the past trying to figure out what happened. I came to the realization that one of the reasons I was having such a hard time with it was because we were in 2 different places. I am living in the present. She is living in the past. When that past changed in June, our friendship changed.

When one lives in the past, one might have stress, health issues, chronic pain, high blood pressure, depression, and a myriad of other things that can arise. People who live in the past hears negative criticism and feels threatened and becomes defensive. Focusing on the past allows your mind to respond automatically instead of thoughtfully. You will lash out in anger, back down in fear. You feel so totally stressed and overwhelmed that you become so focused on that response and feel the only way to get rid of it is to focus more on it.

In this case, her mind was focused on what was happening. The final office of her deceased husband's was sold and she no longer had any control over it. She was going through the pain of the loss but instead of realizing what she was doing, she lashed out in anger and became highly anxious. But by avoiding the negative feelings and situations that could not be avoided, she didn't realize it only magnified the pain. Her mantra became: "I am so stressed."

As a friend, I reacted by trying to reduce her stress for her. But that just made things worse. Even as a friend, I could not take away her pain which was the real reason for her stress. No one can but your own self. She had to accept that certain things were beyond her control.

So why was I the recipient of all her anger? Because I was still a doctor's wife. I still had everything and I was taking her last office. She didn't recognize that we were doing her a favor. We bought the other office based on sentiment and affection for her deceased husband who was our friend. She in turn, misled us on the not only the value of the practice but the value of the equipment. After 4 months of her feeling this, she had become destructive to the office and actually sabotaged the practice.

But one will never move forward if you are continually driving in reverse aka if you are constantly looking back on your life you will never move forward. Living in your past can be unhealthy. It can hurt others around you and yourself. There comes a time in our lives we all just need to move on.
"Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

We must acknowledge the past because it has played an important role in shaping who we have become today. Anything that we have any degree of certainty about has occurred in the past. We know what happened, who was there, how events transpired, and how problems and issues were eventually resolved. We exist in the present, but we are never quite sure of how the present will change from moment to moment, and the future is always highly uncertain. Therefore, it often becomes tempting to live in the past because, unlike the present and future, it is not unknown.

In order to live in the present, the way in which we live in the past is of vital importance. For example, the inability to let go of the guilt, shame, and pain that may have dominated the past is not emotionally healthy, and does not contribute anything positive to the present. However, when we learn from the mistakes of the past, and bring those lessons with us into the present, then even a negative past can serve us in a positive manner. Interestingly, it is also rather unhealthy to spend too much time dwelling on the past in a nostalgic manner. We may not be feeling any negative feelings about ourselves when we yearn for the past in this way, but it still prevents us from living fully in the present moment. It is far better to strike a balance between being mentally present for life as it continues to unfold while, at the same time, allowing ourselves to occasionally think back fondly on the favorable memories of the past.

The fact of the matter is that the past is gone. Good, or bad; it is incapable of returning, and cannot be changed in any way, shape, or form. Living in the past allows for the possibility that we will miss the abundant gifts and precious moments of the present. We do ourselves a far greater service when we accept the past as a series of positive and negative learning experiences which, when viewed with the proper attitude, will always result in our continual growth.
"The past is a guidepost, not a hitching post.".
~L. Thomas Holdcroft

Obviously I was still upset about the loss of the friendship. Delving into this article for Inspirational Sunday, I came to the realization that I have moved on. Our future is up to her. I am living in the present.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Another Ankle Surgery

Yep, another ankle surgery is being planned as soon as possible. My last one was in May and I knew there was still too much instability. It was confirmed yesterday during an arthrogram. The 3 ligaments that stabilize the upper ankle joint are not holding it together. So this time I will get a cadaver tendon. I am trying to plan it so I am off work as little as possible even if it means putting a kibosh on Thanksgiving. Plus this time even though I will be in a cast, I won't be non-weight bearing and on the scooter but for one week.

The 3 ligaments that are still not working right no matter what we have used or done are the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), and the posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL). Guess the multiple ankle sprains over the years have destroyed the functionalability of those tendons and the rest of the tendons in my ankle are working overtime to try and hold my ankle up despite the orthotic adjustments and the braces I wear.

But the knee has totally healed AND the subtalar joint that was repaired in May with Artelon to plug the leaks worked.

Hopefully this is the last surgery :)

Recipe Thursday - Sheet Cake aka Brownies Texas Style

My family loves this recipe and my mom used to make it for every single get-together except Christmas when we had Christmas cookies and for birthday celebrations when we had white cake and fudge icing. I guess I will be the one making it now although I think every single member of our family knows the recipe.

Mix in bowl:
2 cups all purpose flour
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup sour cream

Bring to boil:
2 sticks oleo
4 tablespoons cocoa
1 cup water

Do not cool - pour into flour mixture and beat well. Pour in greased cookie sheet 11 x 17 x 3/4 inch or jelly roll pan. Bake 350 degrees for 20 minutes, no longer. Frost while warm.

Mix in bowl:
1 box powdered sugar
1 cup chopped nuts
1 teaspoon vanilla

Bring to boil:
4 tablespoons cocoa
1 stick oleo
6 tablespoons milk

Pour into sugar mixture and beat well. Frost while cake is warm.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Inspirational Sunday - Friendship

I thought a lot about what I would post for inspirational Sunday and this topic kept coming back to me.

Many years ago I wrote this in my journal: 'Does this friendship strengthen me or weaken me? Is my day brighter, my life brighter and better because of your presence?If you strengthen me, support my best self, bring the best out of me, then you are a friend.'

I even remember why I wrote it. I had just been diagnosed with cancer and was hurt by the people who I thought were friends just totally ignore me. I was deeply heartbroken. I felt betrayed, stabbed in the back, and I was shocked, hurt and astounded. But then I realized that I really shouldn't have been so surprised. If I had thought about all the times I felt little hurts when I was with them, how insecure I would feel at times and how careful I was at other times, then I would have known this wasn’t a true friend. Instead I focused on the other factor of our friendship and I didn’t give the quality of our friendship enough attention. Looking back at it, all the signs were there.

When we are young, we want the feeling of being accepted, loved, and appreciated. We become friends with everyone but especially those with common interests. As we age, we whittle down those friends to those that allow us to grow and show us how to be the best we can be and totally support each other. This does not mean though that these other 'friends' won't stay around. Sometimes it takes a stress to the friendship that we realize who stays around and why. Those that are left are our real friends. I really think learning about who your true friends are is a growing up experience that never ends. I am 56 and still learning.

How many of you have had bad friends? I know I have. Bad friends can take on many forms. The manipulator friend is one that we don't always see right away but you will feel coerced into responding in a way that just does not feel right or goes against who and what we are. The judger friend is the friend who always feels the need to judge and criticize us and find fault in everything we do. The competitor friend competes with you even when you are not competing. There is nothing you can do that they can't do better. The opportunistic friend just takes. They will never do anything for you. They will only be around you when they need or want something. The friendship is all about what's in it for them. The energy zapper friend is self-absorbed and narcissistic. They leave you feeling totally exhausted. Then there is the gossip friend or the drama friend. They are only interested in gossip and tend to enjoy exaggeration and throw in little lies to liven up the drama. They live for the drama and if you are not careful they will compromise your job and reputation. I also had a few I named the negative friend. They are the ones who constantly tell you all that is wrong in their world. They are pessimistic and only want to hear what is wrong and will change the subject if you are happy. I have also learned that what happens in a friend's life can change who they are and turn a friendship into a bad one.

Recognizing true friends is hard. It is easier to see true friends of another. You can tell a lot about who a person is by the company they keep. But that is also true about you. Our friendships tell us about who we are. There is a saying that pretty much sums it up:
Through our lives we may gather many friends. It is a word that is taken for granted, and we really don’t consider the true meaning. If we are very blessed we will find a friend who seems to know what we are thinking before the thought is created. A spiritual bond exists which defies explanation. We feel each others joys and sorrows.

So what makes a true friend? I really feel true friendships are spiritual since one has to accept another as they are - in other words we have to first be a friend to ourselves before we can become a friend to another. Friends therefore require that there is a profound respect for each other and challenge each other to be who and what they really are without withdrawing our affection for them.

A true friend is also honest. They might not share all details of their life but they will let you know when something isn't right.

A true friend is also fun, interesting, and unique. They are not like you and they don't force who they are onto you. They share their interpretation of life with you. They let you be who you are and you let them be who they are.

A true friend is a fairly good listener and notices if something is affecting you. They can't read your mind but can tell if you are happy, sad, excited, shocked, or upset. They won't try to change what you are feeling but will support you in what you are feeling and talk to you about it. They also know when to allow you to go through something yourself and when to give or not give their opinion.

A true friend is supportive of you. They won't try to change who you are or drag you into things that they know will make you uncomfortable or put you in a compromising situation. They help you become the person you want to be.

A true friend is one that you can really trust. They won't steal your friends or your job or damage your reputation.

A true friend is one that cares about you - the real you.

A true friend sticks with you in good times and bad and is very loyal.

A true friend accepts you for who you are. They know how to deal with your quirks and faults and loves you anyway.

A true friend is also patient when you make a mistake. They treat you as they would want you to treat them. They will also forgive you when you hurt them. They know you at your best and worst. They also will believe you when you say something was out of your hands and not blame you.

Luckily, I found true friendship with my spouse. I also have a few people I consider true friends. I consider myself blessed.

"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly's the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him with his friendship."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Never explain - your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway."
~ Elbert Hubbard

"Many people will walk in and out of you life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart."
~ Unknown

“True friendship isn't about being there when it's convenient; it's about being there when it's not.”
~ Unknown

“You meet people who forget you. You forget people you meet. But sometimes you meet those people you can't forget. Those are your 'friends.'”
~ Unknown

Friday, November 5, 2010

Unfriended Yet Again

Yep it happened again. For those who didn't read my first post on it, here it is:

So what was the problem this time? Long story but basically the employee I spoke of in that post was laid off for half her job with us and decided not to accept the part time position she had held for over 4 years. Was that my decision? Not at all. It was hers. Was it my decision to lay her off? Not in the slightest. Was this unfriending a 'mistake' like she stated had happened last time? Nope because her 2 sons also 'unfriended' me too.

Do I care? I am actually trying to figure that out. While I am sorry in some ways to see the friendship end, in other ways it never was if this is what it takes to end it.

All I have to say with what happened: there are 2 sides to every story. She gave hers. Some people will choose to believe only her without hearing the whole story. Some people will believe only me without hearing her side of the story. And if this can get between a 25+ year friendship, then it was never a real friendship to begin with.

This time I will stay unfriended.

Recipe Thursday - Creamed Corn

There is one dish I absolutely love that I usually only fix at Thanksgiving - that is my own version of creamed corn, made from scratch and definitely not low fat. I actually tried to lower the calories a few times and it lost its taste so much there was no way I would substitute.

It is a relatively simple recipe that I throw in the crockpot about 3-4 hours prior to dinner.

So put in the crockpot:
1 big bag frozen corn (I tend to use the corn I have canned)
1 full stick of real butter
One 8 oz package cream cheese
1 pint of heavy cream
1 ¾ oz grated parmesan cheese
1-2 tsp of sugar

Set the crockpot on low and stir occasionally until the sauce is thick. If it is ready before dinner is ready, just add some more heavy cream.