I am not going to be a grandmother. They are trying again this next month.
Only a man would do ANYTHING to not have his golfing trip postponed, especially by a blizzard. When his airline cancelled his flight, no worries - he just booked on another flight. Oops - that one cancelled too. So the 4 guys decided to drive. That is until I reminded them that while we missed the one snowstorm because it went south, that meant they were going to be driving through it since they were headed south and we all know even southern Illinois or Indiana do not have snowplows, etc, let alone have salt to battle the 2 inches of ice they got. Plus they forgot another minor detail: Miami is a 30 hour drive in a sedan with 3 males who are over 6 foot tall and my husband, along with 4 suitcases and 4 golf bags - not much leg room let alone any room to even sleep. So they once again rescheduled their flight, this time on another airline and were one of the few flights that got out that day. The price of said one way ticket? Over $800.00. Oh yeah, that ticket is going to cost him and is coming out of his golf allowance for the rest of the year! But the thought of leaving your wife who is still in a cast alone in the house to battle the incoming blizzard by herself? Not a teeny little bit of thought.
So supposedly we had 22.2 inches of snow, along with 'thunder snow' that was fascinating and I got to witness before the drifts piled up on the entire 1st floor of our home totally blocking my view outside unless I went to the 2nd story. How they measured said snow I have no idea because we also had 60-70 mph winds. We ended up with not being able to see outside on the 1st floor as the house was literally drifted in on all 4 sides.
During one of my husband's phone calls, he told me to start shoveling out the front door. I tried to explain to the said male who is sitting in 80 degree weather in shorts, that the entire doorway is covered up to the top with snow and I knew it was at least a foot above the doorway. I then asked him where to put said snow - inside the house? He kept up with giving me advice on how to get out of the house. Me? Why would I be stupid enough to go outside the house? I had someone coming to plow the driveway when they could fit me in. In the meantime, I worked on a few things and just enjoyed the peace and quiet and control of the remote (although not a flippen thing was on which it figures when I finally get control of the remote)!
One time when hubs called, he asked how the roof was doing. I stated that I assumed it was still there since I couldn't see it - like duh - if I can't see out the 1st floor or get out of the house, how was I supposed to see the roof? Then he proceeded to give his advice again. I said "Yanno, you really don't get it. I don't need your advice. I am 56 years old and am doing fine. Shut up before I hang up on you!" He didn't stop. I hung up on him. He calls back stating that we were disconnected. I said: "Yep we were. I hung up on you and unless you can say something constructive or things like how much you miss me, I don't want to talk to you." I then hung again. He tried to get ahold of me yesterday but I missed both his calls.
Half the driveway got plowed out. The sun came out and is slowly melting the snow down the 1st floor windows and door. I can once again open the garage door. But I am still inside, making and canning pea soup and beef vegetable soup. I am listening to my CD's and just plain enjoying myself: living in the moment like having the bed to myself, reading when I want to, doing what I want to when I want to, wearing my robe all day if it suited me, wearing no makeup or doing my hair, and I am doing just peachy.
Loved these photos people sent in to the local news:
Snowman, Chicago style:
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