Happy 93rd Birthday dear Father-in-law. We will be celebrating tomorrow with your favorite food: Cappelletti followed by German Chocolate Cake. You continue to amaze me everyday with your capacity to live even if you have no clue who we are or even who you are. Sometimes I wonder exactly what it is like living in that type of world but then again, would I even know? I know research is still being done. I know that each person has their own calming thing that reaches deep inside them to soothe. Sometimes it would be nice to just sit and talk to you again and have your input on things.
We had a patient this week that is a minister. We got into a verbal barrage of back and forth quotes of Bible verses. He was a little surprised at how I could come back with a rebuttal. The topic: Where in the Bible does it say that woman submits to man? He came back with your husband is lord. I came back and said there is only one Lord and my husband is not him but the Lord lives in him and that does not mean I worship the ground my husband walks on. I came back with the quotes that a man leaves his family and cleaves to his wife and that a husband walks besides his wife through life, not ahead so that he leads her nor behind that he shall follow but side by side. It was a quite interesting hour that continued 3 days later with another hour. It's nice to see people knowing the Bible.
Other than that, my right ankle is been doing so-so. Of course there is still a lot of scar tissue. I have more stability after the last surgery but I still have posterior impingement which was diagnosed last week via fluoroscopic examination with putting my ankle through range of motion both non-weight bearing and weight bearing. Glad to see something is still wrong in one way as it is a vindication that what I was feeling was right yet bad in other ways as there is still something wrong. I had my 2nd Synvisc injection in my left knee the same day so my knee doc left the foot doc a little of the Synvisc and he injected it into my subtalar joint which is almost bone on bone. The first injection just in the knee didn't do anything. The 2nd in the left knee and right ankle killed - severe pain all week. So the knee doctor aspirated fluid off my left knee this week and injected Methylprednisone into the knee instead to calm it down. The foot doctor injected the Methylprednisone too into the subtalar joint to calm it back down and into a tendon close to the posterior impingement site but below the achilles tendon. Interesting finding was the area he put the injection into is the exact site that has hurt for over 3 years and sent shooting pains to the front of the foot and the big toe. The cortisone did its usual to me - kept me up most of the night hot flashing with a massive thirst yet continual need to go potty. But all my allergies are cleared up. Still pain today but slightly better. Was able to do some cooking today and took a long nap for catchup. Felt good not working.
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