Thursday, July 14, 2016

Kissing Relatives on the Mouth

Victoria Beckham made news recently about a photo where she was kissing her daughter straight on her lips. The internet world is a'flutter with this. Personally I don't see a problem if said child is young. Over a certain age, I do have a problem with it. That age would be determined between parent and child. Some children don't like it earlier than other children. But by the time they are a teen, I think it is wrong.

My father who is almost 83 still tries to kiss me straight on the lips. I think that is just gross. This is the mentally and physically abusive alcoholic father who is doing this. The father who has never said "I love you" to me and instead calls me "slut" "bitch" "you are just like your mother" etc yet for some unknown icky reason he wants to kiss me on the lips. NO THANK YOU.

I am actually a touchy feely type of person but NO ONE except my husband and now my granddaughter are allowed to have their lips touch mine. No one. No brother, sister, brother-in-law, mother-in-law, friend, etc. My lips are mine. I dictate who touches them.

To me it is a personal thing. I do not have sex thoughts when I kissed my children or I kiss my granddaughter. Kisses to them were just that - kisses. I agree with Mrs. Beckham - stop the mommy-shaming!

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