Saturday, February 7, 2009

Head Cold

Yep those little buggers have invaded my head and are throwing one heck of a party. The actual definition of a head cold is:
A common cold mainly affecting the mucous membranes of the nasal passages, characterized by congestion, headache, and sneezing.

Yep, have all 3 including drippy eyes. I can thank 2 people for giving it to me - my daughter and one of my office girls. So, yeah...huge thanks **insert eyeroll**

I have been using home remedies to get rid of it although with my head super stuffy, my vertigo is going nuts so I am super loopy and glad to stay in bed.

Here are some home remedies I use:

1. Blow your nose often instead of sniffing the mucus back. Blow your nose the right way (press a finger over one nostril while you clear the other one, then reverse). Make sure you wash your hands right after. Dispose of said tissue right away. Don't reuse it.

2. Sleep a lot. You need rest to let your body heal itself and boost your immune system.

3. Drink a whole lot, especially hot liquids. They will help relieve the congestion, prevent your body from dehydrating yourself, and can soothe your nose and throat.

4. To help a sore throat - gargle with a teaspoon of salt dissolved in warm water a few times a day.

5. To stop the tickle in your throat - drink some hot tea and put some honey in it. There are times I just eat a teaspoon of honey.

6. Steam yourself - the steam opens up the nasal passages and moisturizes them. You can take a steamy shower or put your head over a pot of boiling water with a towel draped over your head. Steam opens up the sinuses allows them to drain.

7. Now this is my extra trick: I use Carmex everyday for my lips but when I get a head cold, I grease up my nose with the Carmex - it prevents the 'Rudolph nose' and helps keep the nasal area from being rubbed raw from blowing your nose all the time. The menthol, eucalyptus and camphor in the Carmex will also help open the nasal passages. (I actually can't use the Kleenex with lotions in them - they clog my pores and irritate my skin more).

8. I increase my vitamin intake, especially Vitamin C intake along with sucking on zinc lozenges.

9. Now all of you who know me won't believe this one: I actually freeze when I am sick. So yes, I turn on my side of the electric blanket to high and actually get under it and use it. Yeah, really do.

Today is day 2 and am feeling a bit better although about to head back to bed.