Thursday, February 5, 2009

Warmup - Chicago Style

Chicago is pretty unique. Us natives always say - wait a few hours and if you don't like the weather it will change. Chicago weather is constantly changing. Take for instance last night - it was minus 18 in the burbs. Today the temps got up to a balmy 25 with a low of 18. We are going to be in for a heat wave this weekend with temps on Saturday reaching 47 with a low of 24.

In Chicago language this means: beware of flooding. The 20some inches of snow we have on the ground along with the higher amounts piled in parking lots and the sides of the streets plus what we have piled on top of our roofs will be melting during the day, then refreeze at night. So beware of falling icicles (especially if walking downtown), black ice, and the famous Chicago potholes that will consume cars and eat tires. Should be a booming business in the local ER's and the body shops and the tire stores.

The question in a Chicago winter - will it last? Well, for at least a week it will hit a high of 52 by middle of next week. For Chicagoans, that means bathing suits and shorts! Chicago weather has a habit of luring us into those temps then slamming us with a foot or more of snow then double digit temps BELOW zero.

We learn not to hold our breath and just let Mother Nature do what it wants.

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