It's amazing to me how a supposed 'friend' would go to such lengths after being reprimanded.
An email was sent as a boss asking employee what her hours would be the week he was not in the office as he didn't feel there was anything in the office for her to do.
Employee replies and gets angry that the question is even being asked. She wants to work the entire week, answering phones.
Return email. Boss says no that is not necessary. Employee was never guaranteed a certain number of hours per week. This question has been asked before, just this past July in fact. Employee was told to take vacation time or no hours then. Why does this week off make it different?
Employee is now really pissed. She sends a scathing email to boss. She calls all the other employees complaining. Calls me wishy-washy and a bitch. Unfriends me on Facebook. Yep - unfriends me on Facebook - is this Junior High? You have got to be kidding me, right?
Might I state said employee has worked for us for almost 4 years with no problems until this past June. Then all hell broke loose. She went from part time to full time. Work product went down by 50% and slowly declining from there. Reprimanded more than twice now. On the brink of being fired.
Now tonight all of a sudden she sends me a PM via facebook that she wants me to refriend her as it was a mistake.
I think I will wait. Not sure that is the right choice to make at this time. Funny thing is she commented on her facebook page about the email then a friend of hers (I can imagine what her version of the story is) said we would get our due and to forget us. So we are the bad guys?
Nice. I thought these people were my friends. Why does this crap have to happen? Why can't there be a separation between friendship and employee? It worked for almost 4 years. Why not now?
What does it mean to ‘unfriend’ someone? Are we no longer friends? My question I am pondering now is why were we friends in the first place?
Then I think of this quote: “stop putting up with people who are reckless with your heart”.
Yes, will ponder refriending you.
1 comment:
Ann, sorry I accidently deleted your comment. Blame it on the meds :)
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