Monday, November 3, 2008

Life Goes On

For all of you who will not see who you voted for in this election actually get elected - life goes on. You might not like the choice but yanno what? Life goes on!

For weeks - no months, I have seen friends split apart with this election. Why? What happened to we can agree to disagree? My choices have not always gotten in. Did I lay down and die? Did I say I was going to move to another country? Nope - life went on!

Just get over it. Work with what you have. And have the common courtesy to go on with your life and not spout voting fraud, hanging chads, or any other thing. I personally don't want to hear it. And just a warning: do not persist in perpetuating any of what happened before or during the campaign. Get over it.

I am actually glad for this election. I got to see who my friends are. I got to see who uses logic to defend their choices. And I got to see evil vile lies believed by Christian people. I got to see who took those lies and investigated them and not by sites supporting the vile lies, but in cold hard factual sources.

Now grow up and act your age not your mentality. Life goes on. Let's unite this country!