Sunday, December 14, 2008

Being Evil - finding fun in ordinary things

Ok, 3/4 of the shopping done. I found a fun thing today that is a flippen riot. I had to stop at Hallmark to get our yearly collectible ornaments - daughter gets the house collection, son gets the old car collection, son-in-law gets the motorcycle collection, and hubs and I pick up one that is dated.

Anyway, I saw these bags called "Peek Buster" and I just could not resist.

I got the "No Peeking" bag which has a motion-activated sound that plays this annoying alarm sound. You can hear them at Hallmark's website (

Now my initial intentions were innocent I am telling you. I was going to use it for hubs and/or son. But my evil side came over me when I brought it home.

We have a cat that loves to climb the tree and hide on the branches. She scared one of my nephews last year when he was looking at an ornament and had a paw come out and swipe him. So I was curious what the cat would do with the bag. I decided to put some catnip in there - the lure. Yep the cat (Ms Curiousity) went over to check it out and got a wee bit too close. It went off. The cat literally hit the ceiling. Haven't actually seen said cat since. I think she is in hiding.

So then I decided to see what the granddoggies would do. I put in a slice of cheese on top of a slice of roast beef (their all time favorite treat) - I did lay them carefully on saran wrap so they wouldn't mar the bag.

Then I waited. It took about 20 minutes but soon one of the dogs went up to the bag sniffing and got close. The dog jumped back and hasn't been near the tree since.

10 minutes later the pokey dog decided to sniff out the bag and got close and bumped the bag with her nose. Oh yeah that one was priceless. The dog that will not jump on anything - jumped. She won't even come in the same room as the tree now. I probably scarred her for life.

I am evil - BUT - found a new way to keep the animals away from the tree.