Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Spirit

I don't know about all of you but I have been working my rear off getting ready for Christmas. I took off this week to get things done.

First up this morning was to take my inlaws to their doctor appointment. The roads are icy since temps here are below zero. I confirmed yesterday with said inlaws about the time. I show up at their house to pick them up. No one is home. I happen to have a key so I let myself in. Nope - no one at home. Note here I arrived at their house a full hour before said appointment which was only 15 minutes away. I had the surgeon's phone number so I called their office and they had not arrived yet. I call hubs who says he hasn't heard from them but to call his mom's cell which I already had and heard it ringing in the house. 15 minutes later I get a call from the doctor's office - they had arrived. I talked to MIL who said she forgot I was coming to take them. She figured that if they went early they could get in early and then go to a Christmas party at the senior center. So I got up at the butt crack of dawn to drive an hour away just for nothing.

Ok, I figured I had a few more gifts to pick up and now I had time so I braved a few stores. Big mistake! I remembered why I get my shopping done early and don't shop during the day when the crazies are out. I pull into this parking space but noticed when I got into said spot, the car next to me was parked crooked and I didn't want to get hit so I backed out and pulled back into the spot, thinking nothing of doing that. Well, according to this really crabby male, I committed a moral sin of the utmost because he saw me backing out and wanted to take my spot. So he was pissed I was taking the spot back. This guy ranted for a good 5 minutes. I stood there looking at him and then said, "Sir, pardon me for my ignorance. But clearly, you need this space more than I do so I am going to get back in my car so you can have said space and I will go look for another one". He uttered a few obscenities and I replied: "Thank You and may God Bless you too and you have yourself a very Merry Christmas!" I got in my car, backed out, and parked in another spot that was actually a lot closer.

I figure I found the Christmas spirit since I didn't call him for what he was and I was rewarded with a closer space.

But inlaws? No words are available yet.

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