Saturday, October 20, 2007


I have one. According to the dictionary a dilemma is a problem offering 2 solutions or possibilities, of which neither is acceptable.

Next Saturday I have a black tie dinner dance aka fancy smancy doctor's dinner dance to attend. It is to be held at the Museum of Science and Industry. Normally every year they are held at a local hotel and we make a weekend of it. We stay overnight and get couple massages, etc. This year they decided to have it at the Museum. Normally I wouldn't mind. This year I do. I have my ankle to worry about.

I had my 2nd MRI yesterday but don't get the official results until next Friday (the day before said dance). Of course hubs and I both read MRI's and know what it says. I know that the doc will be taking off the cast next week but I also know he will be putting another on until surgery.

So what to wear when one is sporting a how to attend. If I use the scooter, I have to wear pants and personally I don't think said scooter meets the definition of fancy smancy I would have to try to go shopping for said pair of pants since I have dropped 2 sizes and not one of my dressy pants fit over my cast. If I go via wheelchair, then I am dependant on someone pushing me....I don't have to get something to wear as I will wear something out of my closet BUT I will have to rent a wheelchair for the weekend and personally I hate being in the wheelchair.

So neither option is sitting well with me. But then again I could wear my bright purple dress with my thigh high on one leg and get the doc to put on a neon green cast on the other and go in the scooter just to snub my nose at this type of society stuff that is just not me.

So it's a week before and I am still stewing on what to do and what to wear and to use the wheelchair or the scooter. And as you can see I am in a funk. I am tired of being in a cast (it's been almost 10 weeks). I am tired of being in pain (especially the past week or so with the changing Chicago weather). I am tired of not getting better or being able to see an end to this. **insert major drama rant**