Sunday, December 9, 2007

Making a list.... checking it twice....

Today I am finishing my Christmas list of things to do. OMG when did it get to only 16 days before Christmas? It seems to come so fast and as I age....faster and faster. I remember thinking when I was 16 how far away 18 seemed. These days at 53, time passes me by so fast and I can't seem to make it slow down.

I have pretty well gotten most on my list and seeing what has to be finished and am starting my Christmas cookie and shopping list. I had another setback this week so my activities are being restricted again.

Today's project is making sure I have everyone done on my list. The family we provide for has been done. The abused shelter has been done. Hub's family exchange has been done. I am still waiting on my brother and his wife to give me an idea of what they want for that exchange. Cards have been made for our employees and the 4 mail people. Hubs and I decided on only stocking things this year and they have to be under $50.00 since we are doing the countertops and cooktop and have the wedding. Each of the kids are getting one big gift and then a few small ones to go into their stockings. I, like most parents, always make sure even to this day that each child has the same number of gifts to open.

I must say I hate being almost done and not being able to participate in doing any of the shopping or seeing things decorated. I keep thinking I need more things although I know I have spent enough. Do you ever find you just pick up more things if you do finish early?