Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I had something happen to me a wee over a month ago that was actually funny. I got 'called' a groupie. Here's the story:

My daughter took me shopping to pick up a few things I needed before her wedding. We walked into a mall that I rarely enter because it is just way too large, things are priced way too high, and busloads of people go to that mall making it full of people who clog it up and make it impossible to shop. I much prefer the smaller mall. You can get in, get what you want, and get out (my kind of shopping).

Back to the story: as soon as we walked into JC Penney's, we ran into someone who lives not a half mile away who has a blog that generates a lot of traffic. Now we have not actually met in person although I know of her. I had kept up with her blog because I thought she was a riot and her depiction of family life was kinda what I grew up in (large family and chaos all the time) and had actually posted a few times on her blog and had sent her foot health care tips when she had posted about problems she or one of her kids had although none of my posts every showed up.

So, daughter and I ran into her. She asked if we knew each other and I said well, I read your blog, live in your neighborhood, yada yada and introduced myself and my daughter. We small chit chatted and said we had to go because we were on a time schedule because daughter was getting married.

Well, I became a post on her blog. This is what she had to say:
This woman said, "I read your blog!"
Can you believe it? I was just recognized on the street (or in the young girls' clothing department at JCPenneys)! She introduced herself to me, but I'm such a dork and was so excited about being recognized that I forgot her name! Ugh, I could pick her out in a line-up, but I can't for the life of me remember her name. Anyway, she had her lovely daughter with her and told me that she was getting married next week. The daughter. Not her. I believe I said something profound like, "Are you excited?" Well DUH! Of course she's excited! Is anyone NOT excited a week before their wedding?

Not a problem except how she handled the blog replies. I posted a reply on her blog reminding her who I was, etc. Her blog replies need approval before showing up. Mine never showed up. Instead all replies were all about her or me:

But what an excitement to be recognized! You're really famous now. :)

you are FAMOUS now people everywhere will recognise you.Get used to it !! Just wait for the day when you are A GUEST on Oprah and not in the studio audience!!

Yay! you got recognized!

Congrats on being recognized! Get ready for it to happen again! Just make sure you walk by a mirror before leaving the house.

Congrats on being spotted. You are now an official celebrity!

How cool is it that you're recognizable on the street, or rather, at the mall.

Face it ***, you're FAMOUS!!

You know you are famous when people stop you like that, lol!

The fan recognizing you made YOUR day..........I bet it made HER day as well! She probably called all of her friends immediately "guess who I met ...."

Congratulations on being recognized!

I will be very worried the day someone recognises me from my blog!!!

You're a bona fide celebrity!

Cool that you were recognized.

Just to set the record straight to the blog posters on her blog: "Meeting her did not make my day! I had a whole lot of other things in my life that were way more important than meeting her!"

"I did not call anyone to tell them guess who I met! Sorry to burst your bubble but I didn't call a single soul. Again, I had more important things on my plate a week before my daughter's wedding than thinking of her!"

So you might ask, if I was not bothered about it, why bring it up a month later? Well, I was going through my saved sites and ran across the link to her blog. I remembered how much it had pissed me off at the time. I found it still did after a month so I deleted the link. I will never read it again. I will never say anything to her again in public. I went through another author's narcissistic attitude and refuse to put up with another's. Thank goodness I do have author friends who are not like that (thanks cagers for reaffirming my belief and restoring my belief that authors are not narcissistic).

So am I groupie? Ah, nope....never!