Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I have a new name....Water Police

Yep, I am now named the Water Police. Hubs put another name in front of that but it can't be mentioned here. I figured a grown man (and a doctor) when told what he had to do to eliminate getting another kidney stone and experience that 'horrific pain' would do anything the doctor told him to not have it again. I gave him 2 days to do it himself. Monday he had 4 cups of coffee between 8am and 9pm. That was it.

Thus the Water Police brigade was formed. I enlisted every employee. We all had our designated hours.

I brought a few different flavorings at the compounding pharmacy I go to. I also brought an extra blender to the office.

Every hour hubs got a glass of water with a different flavor. Some were put in the blender with ice and flavored so it became a slushy. But he got his 8 oz of water per hour in.

The water brigade won for one day. I won't say what my new name is. I will leave it to your imagination.

Do men ever grow up?