Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wishes can come true but twisted!

Well, this morning after doing some work for my client, I wished my life would slow down. The offices have all been nuts and it was magnified with one employee on vacation.

I got my wish.

Just not in a way anyone could dream.

Instead of spending the afternoon and evening with patients, hubs and I spent it in the ER. This time it was him as the patient. Now everyone thinks males make bad patients. Well, I will double that with a doctor as a patient. He has a kidney stone (runs in his family but he's never had one). So he got to come home with the Percocet in my possession and strict orders to push fluids and if the pain increases to return to the ER.

One knows when a male let alone a male doctor asks to be taken to the ER, you get there lickety split. I didn't hesitate. I called the office on the way to the ER and cancelled patients and called another doctor to cover emergencies and a couple patients.

So while I don't have to physically work at the office, I am taking care of a crabby in pain male and working my billing business.

I always try to see a positive. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. There is a positive here. I am finally getting him in for a long overdue physical PLUS I have the Percocet!