Sunday, July 26, 2015

Inspirational Sunday - Listening and Talking/Talking and Listening

My husband and I have been very busy since Thursday. Our 2nd son aka our son's best friend got married Friday so festivities began Wednesday with picking up the tux, hair cut, etc. Wednesday evening was filled with watching our granddaughter. Thursday was the rehearsal dinner and work. Friday was the wedding. Saturday was the brunch followed by driving 3 hours to a reunion when it should have only taken 2 hours followed by the reunion then the 2 hour drive home. Did I mention we have been watching our granddog for a week now? Today was crash day for both of us and reflection day.

With all the hustle and bustle of life we forget to talk to one another or just plain listen. One would think that we all know how to listen and talk to each other because haven't we been doing that since the day we were born? We learned that by crying a certain way, our parents listened and fulfilled our need. As we grew older, we learned friendship and relationships took both listening and talking skills. Sometimes we listen more than we talk. Sometimes we talk more than we listen. But these two should balance out. They can't be rushed or scheduled and they happen the best when they are allowed to just happen along the way. 

So why is this the topic of today's Inspirational Sunday? Because even though we were so busy being task oriented, sometimes we need to just put down our phones, turn off the television and radio, turn off our computers, and just do things together. The Gospel during the wedding stated that successful marriages do not just happen. A good marriage must be developed. No one is perfect. You are both on the same team. Make your marriage a pleasant experience. Don't expect perfection. Overlook faults. Hunt for the good in the other. Make each other happy. The secret of any successful marriage lies not in having the right partner, but also in being the right partner.

Those were a few notes I jotted down from the ceremony. My husband and I chose on the way to the reunion to talk and listen to each other the entire drive. We had a blast and so much so, that we forgot the way and ended up adding an hour to our drive. We didn't blame each other. We took that extra hour to continue our talking and laughing and remembering. At the reunion, I took the time to listen to my nieces and nephews and my sisters and brother and their spouses. I learned quite a few things about them I never knew. I think they were kinda surprised at how quiet I was because they did mention that they liked and appreciated how much I listened to them which made them feel special. My godson had just returned from a mission trip to India. Two nieces brought new boyfriends. My 2 grand-nieces and grand-nephew make a point to come tell me how much they enjoyed playing with my granddaughter. They had a great time telling me how my granddaughter was using sign language with them that I had taught them. It was like our little secret. They knew that I carried a bottle of nail polish in my pocket as they knew I would always polish their nails whenever I saw them.

It is the little things that make another feel special but in order to do those things, one had to listen while the other talked. Today my husband and I turned off the TV and cell phones and computers. We just spent the day with each other. We didn't always talk. We didn't need to. But we did listen.

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