Saturday, January 19, 2008


There are definitely perks to having surgery again. Surgery day was Thursday am but this time I was wide awake during the whole procedure. I had 2 shots for the anesthesia: one is called a saphenous block and the other a popliteal block. Both are given in the knee area so my foot and leg were numb to the toes. They are kinda interesting shots...they stimulated the nerves in those 2 areas and made my foot and ankle and calf jump and dance. That tells them they had the right spot. Then they shoot in a lot of anesthesia. They were a bit painful and it was funny feeling the leg and foot dance but it was really no different than having a spinal done.

I could have actually watched the surgery itself if I wanted to but instead I joked around with the anesthesiologist and the nurses who are friends. I do have more horse in me now. After the procedure was done, I went to work then went to a dinner meeting on Stark Law III and OIG changes for 2008...stimulating dinner conversation..boring to some but interesting for me. I liked the speaker who compared the changes in the Stark Law. As an added bonus we got to ask questions about restrictive covenants which will apply to us when we hire the other doctor.

Friday I got waited on by my kids as the anesthesia had worn off and my foot was asking me what the s happened to me again.....hubs was in surgery all day then had a dinner meeting of his own with the boys. Nothing like getting back at the kids for every infraction they have ever done.

Today I worked but got carted around via wheelchair and if I even lifted a finger to do something, I had people jumping to help. Nice feeling but glad it isn't every day.

My granddoggies came over tonight to spend the night with us and are snuggling on the couch with me while hubs waits on me. Now that I could get used to......