Saturday, January 5, 2008

Wedding Diet Progression

Well, my husband said I couldn't do it with a cast on. I showed him! I wasn't sure exactly how much I lost because I always had a cast on. Monday the cast came off (my New Year's present). But....I couldn't balance on the scale so couldn't see exactly how much I had lost.

I knew I had been losing since my once tight size 22 clothes were so loose on my waist they were falling off me and the sleeves on my scrubs became 3/4 length sleeves.

Since I got the cast off I have been practicing balancing and relearning how to walk and to accept this foot with horse parts and lots of metal and wires as a part of my body. Today I could stand on the scale.....and total weight loss to date is 32 pounds! Not bad for being non-weight bearing for 4 months.

I think having to balance on the scooter, lugging a 5 pound weight on one leg, and hopping on the other was aerobic exercise. I had also started using 5 pound weights on my upper arms and using them in my situps so I could have the strength for crutches. I am officially down 2-3 sizes (can't tell cuz I can't drive yet so can't shop) but clothes I have not been able to wear in 10 years now fit. I don't even give a diddlysquat that they are out of date. Today I rejoice just that I lost.