This is my husband's latest saying for me. FYI he doesn't mean any harm but just likes to tease me which I can guarantee I give back thricefold!
He likens me to the movie Forest Gump where the phrase 'Run Forest Run' is often quoted. The braces on my ankles mimic Forest's braces in his opinion.
As you can see in the picture, I am wearing braces on both legs. I can move both feet up and down but the braces prevent side to side motion. I had to start wearing one on my left foot (the right side as you are looking at the picture) because my ankle started hurting with all the extra pressure it was taking when I was non-weight bearing (over 2 years now). As you can see, my calf on the left leg looks like a body builders now since it has been taking my full weight for over 2 years now. I will need a surgery on it after the right foot can take supporting me all on its own since the ATF ligament is way too loose and needs tightened. That will happen hopefully before Christmas since I am at 100% insurance right now.
The right leg is a lot smaller because of the casting and loss of muscle tone and the atrophy that happens when you don't use those muscles. It will build back up and already in the past 2 weeks it has bulked up a lot instead of looking like a stick. I still have to wear a high compression stocking on it to help keep the swelling out of it. Notice the left shoe looks new. That's because right before I fell 2 years ago, I had just bought those shoes so the left one looks pretty worn in because it has been worn the entire 2 years while the right one has barely been worn.
The braces are called Don Joy Agility Braces. They actually are pretty comfortable unless like today the weather is stormy and my right ankle swells and goes nutso or I have been up on the right ankle too much and it lets me know.
Hubs still wants me to go for a 2nd opinion but I really don't want to since I trust my surgeon so we are arguing - to me this is my ankle and I am a fully functioning intelligent individual and therefore I am keeping my doctor and so far surgery is scheduled for September 24th to repair the right ankle that is still not stable.
As far as running........yeah I might beat a turtle but I am upright and sans scooter and cast. What more can a girl want?