We got in late last night - well late for us since we were on Eastern time and had been up since 5am so we could attend the Breakfast Symposium at 7am. We had to leave the hotel by 6:30am to get from our hotel to the convention centre (Toronto spelling). The seminar was until 12:30pm then we rushed back to the hotel to get our luggage, head to the airport then head on the journey home. (That will be a blog post in itself).
Next time I read a brochure about the hotels in the area of a seminar, I will enquire as to the definition of 'within walking distance'. Technically the convention centre was 2 and a half blocks from our hotel. BUT.....and this is one HUGE BUT.......that is just the entrance to the convention centre and not where we were. Nope - it was another mile across the centre to our area then we had to go down 2 floors to the registration area, down another floor to the meeting rooms, then down another floor to the exhibits and where we had to scan for our CME (continuing medical education) credits and where we got breakfast and lunch 3 of the 4 days of the seminar. The able to walk people got to take the escalator which was in the center of the 3 floors. But the elevators for us handicapped people where only located at one end which happened to be at the opposite end of where everything was. So the 'within walking distance' was a 45 minute journey each day.
The good news: I lost 15 pounds in the 10 days we were gone (think scooter plus no air conditioning plus 80+ degree temps then think old hot flashing women). I think I
I have lots and lots of blog posts of things that happened to us while we were gone so you can look forward to some....shall we say....interesting insights into our trip.