Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all! Today has been ummm....shall we say interesting? I had set up a Mother's Day lunch with my mother and father and added hubby's mother and father at this place where they serve family style and have country fried chicken, mashed tators, corn fritters, plus a variety of salads (cottage cheese, kidney bean salad, cole slaw, and pickled beets). It is close to my mother's house so they wouldn't have too far to drive. The plans began for this a month ago and the place and time were picked (we try to alternate which place we go to - either near hub's side of the family or near my side). Well, then daughter asked if her bf (now fiancee)'s parents could come too. I said no problemo. Remind me to never ever ever ever ever say that again.....please just shoot me or shove something down my throat will ya? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...I am begging you.......

Last week I received an email from daughter's fiance's mother (luckily I was copied on the thang) who informed all of his relatives that this was a surprise engagement party for daughter and her fiance. I was like WTF? It's Mother's Day...not an engagement party. And my side of the family were being told during the luncheon that they were in said email it stated that presents or just a card is welcome. So #1 dilemna of what looks to be a very long year of wedding I tell my side so they come prepared for an engagement party? I didn't want to do that because my daughter doesn't like surprises of any kind and it wasn't an engagement was Mother's Day! So I sent an email back to this mother asking who was paying for this and I didn't think my daughter was going to be pleased. She emailed back that the brides family pays for the engagement party. Yep the F word came out.....that set this past week off to a good start.

Hubs took it out of my hands and called daughter and told her who in turn called fiancee who in turn called his mother and although I wasn't privy to the conversation...I can sure imagine what was said! Well, it ended up daughter had to call my family telling them about the engagement and that this was just a Mother's Day get together but his side was going to be there and then told his side that it was not an engagement party. All but one of my sisters and brothers attended today. Most of his side turned up. I got the pleasure **insert eyeroll** of sitting across from his younger brother....change of life child who has never learned the term discipline in his life nor how to act in public (said brother is a freshman in high school and should know better). You all would have been proud of me. Instead of wacking him from across the table, I got up and walked and mingled to let off steam. All his side brought presents like it was their wedding day. My side brought nothing.

It is going to be a very long year.

But I always look for a positive in the events of the day. My husband gave me a box of chocolate covered cherries and a digital picture frame for my desk (it holds multiple pictures and I can either freeze it at one picture or keep it changing pictures) and the new kitchen garbage can I wanted and a new set of dryer balls. Kids got me a new set of sheets and 2 new 8x8 pyrex square cooking dishes (I broke mine). Now for the bonus: it is now peaceful and quiet and I can do whatever my heart pleases.