Friday, May 4, 2007


I hate waiting. I am more into instant gratification. If I want something I don't wait to put it on some wish list...I just go buy it. I should also mention I hate shopping too...I make my list and go get it. Period. I don't ever deviate from said list unless I can't find it on said list. I won't go to different stores either. Everything I buy I get from a designated set of stores I am shopping at that day. I never look for the cheapest. I figure my time is worth more than the few cents I would save from getting it somewhere else. If something strikes me, I get it. If it doesn't, I won't buy it.

Okay...back to the waiting. Daughter and her bf are on vacation this week...their anniversary week. I figured they would get engaged on their anniversary which was yesterday. She promised to call me the moment it happened....I even told her to say yes first then call me....My cell phone was never out of my site...even went to the bathroom with me...and to the wake last night. Did I get a call? maybe it didn't happen....or maybe it did....won't know until she gets home tomorrow night...meanwhile I wait.....and not patiently.