Saturday, November 10, 2007


Ever since my doctor scheduled surgery I have been doing all those things you just need to get done before you do anything. You know those things...the ones you put off for a rainy day then you realize how long you have procrastinated on them and just do them. So I made a list of things I wanted to get done before surgery. We are now into countdown.

I have stockpiled my vitamins, made a pot of beef vegetable soup and canned it today and made 12 dozen pizzelles (anise, lemon, chocolate, and tried a new one: almond which tasted great!). I would have done more today but I had to work for most of the day. Tomorrow I am planning on making a pot of pea soup and canning that along with making a pan of lasagna and a pan of stuffed shells. I figure that I can't mess up my already fubarred ankle any more so cooking this weekend won't hurt it.

A friend reminded me that I needed to get rid of all my latest journal writings (those notebooks I write in to let off steam and anger and disappointment) as a just in case. So they went into the shredder today. I added another envelope to the safe for each kid and my husband (I have done this since hubs and I got married just in case something ever happened to me). I try to update the letter at least yearly and tell them about the year and my thoughts and feeling about who they are becoming and how much I love them, etc. I highlight positive things that happened to them that year.

I went to the bookstore last night to add to my already 3 foot high stack of TBR books (just in case I ran out of reading material). I picked up Water for Elephants, Three Cups of Tea, and a couple of others whose names escape me at this time.

I have done a shopping list for things for Thanksgiving although I won't be going anywhere and no one is allowed to enter my house. Hubs and the kids are going to his mother's house for a few hours so I figure the dogs and I will take a well needed nap then get served dinner in bed. We will still make our standard 1200 cappelletti on Wednesday and I will make the pumpkin pies with the help of my daughter. I plan on making a fresh turkey with dressing either Fri or Sat for just our family.

I have actually started Christmas shopping already and have already ordered quite a few things. I figure I will not be able to get out much except for work (if that) for a while so I gotta get my rear in gear and get as much done as possible now.

All bills have been paid for the month. Roof goes on Monday unless it rains. Landscaper starts Tuesday. I will post before and after pics. I am getting excited!