Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Pics

Just had to show you my granddoggies' Halloween pictures. We dressed up at the office for the patients and they had a riot with our costumes. I had forgotten my camera so don't have any pics of us yet until the one girl forwards them to me. If they are good, I promise to post them. Hubs was King, one office girl was a cat, another girl was a police officer whose name was Ivanna Bribe, and I was a princess. I didn't bother buying candy this year for trick or treaters because we were working and I knew we wouldn't be home before the mandated hours ended. Around 9PM our doorbell rang and it was my granddoggies trick or treating. And yes, of course they got treats....after all this is grandma's house!

This is Bella as a ladybug.

This is Brittany as a pumpkin.