Saturday, November 17, 2007

Learning to be a patient

Yeah...not easy when you are trained to be a nurse. I am the patient from hell. I admit it. I do not like being confined or told to stay in bed. This is driving me nuts. I have never eaten in bed in my life. That's all I have been doing since surgery. I feel crumbs everywhere although I have yet to find one. I caught on to hubs today when I managed to keep my eyes open for more than an hour. He has been keeping me drugged. Probably cuz he knows I wouldn't stay in bed otherwise and this way I am quieter too.

I used to think all I wanted was peace and quiet and to just lay in bed and do nothing. Well, it's not all it is cracked up to be. My husband made me get last night and helped me take a shower. That made me feel a wee bit better although doing things with a cast protector on and non-weight bearing and in severe pain when I put my foot in any other position than up was an hour long occasion. By the time I got back in bed, I was ready to be knocked out for hours. Which amazingly I did. I slept 12 straight hours last night.

Son hooked up my computer today for me and I managed to stay awake for an entire movie (I wed me)...corny but cute. I will admit it feels nice to be waited on. OP report not up yet so can't say what occurred cept I was told I have pig parts in me. In some ways I am thankful since there seems to be a lot of people getting AIDS from donated parts. Pigs don't get AIDS.

Right now I am watching the Magnificent Mile 2007 Lights amazing parade and festival on the magnificent mile in Chicago on Michigan Avenue. It is something you need to see at least once in your lifetime. It is gorgeous! Hopefully dinner is being cooked....cuz I am getting hungry!