Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dumpsters - The New Fascination

What is the fascination with dumpsters? Ours was delivered this morning at 8:00AM. We started hauling our stash out of the living room around 9. Between 8-9 the dumpster had 5 cars stop and look inside. Now I ordered a 30 yard dumpster so said dumpster is huge and one end opens so you can take things in all the way to the other end, which of course is where we started putting things.

People didn't bother us all day while we were loading it although our little street got a lot of traffic, much more than usual for a street which has a dead end at either end. We don't usually get any traffic, only locals. Today I counted 64 cars passing by the house looking at the dumpster. I made dinner around 5p and in the past 2 hours, I think all of those 64 cars plus a few more have stopped and gone through our dumpster trash.

One couple hauled off a queen size mattress and box spring. I think the wife didn't want it after she smelled it. Neither would I which is why I threw it out (our cat who we passed a couple of weeks ago used it as a litter box). The man however, thought it was his prize possession and quickly tied it to his roof of his station wagon and they sped away.

Another hauled off a bookcase that had long ago lost its shelves. Wonder what they will be used for?

Guess what is one man's junk is another's treasure.