After 3 months, I finally FINALLY got my passport in the mail today. Why did it take so long you ask? Because the US government would not issue me one since my birth certificate was a government issued birth certificate because I happened to be born on a military base. They needed a county birth certificate. So I had to get a certification from the county the base was in - the certification basically said that they certify that the government issued birth certificate is valid. Still no clue how a county certification trumps a government military seal. But I feel sorry for those who were born on a military base not on US property and thus have no county.
I got the call from my son today. I know he was doing the jig at the mailbox that it came. Why you ask? Because that meant we were definitely leaving the house and him alone in said house without parents. What kid wouldn't be happy? But said 26 year old needs to move out. Now I am thinking of letting inlaws stay here. Bet that would get him out in a nanosecond!
Off to pack - back in a couple weeks!