Tuesday, September 4, 2007

In Need of a Karmic Cleansing

Any ideas anyone? I am beginning to believe Mira that I have this black cloud hanging over me. I need it gone. Vamboosed.

Today started at 6am when hubs got up and decided that everyone in the house needed to be awake too. He had just left for a hospital surgery and I had fallen back to sleep when the phone rang. It was the hospital telling me the patient hadn't showed up yet and what did I want to do. Me: "Well, let's see now. How about we use our heads and realize that the doctor just might already be there changing into scrubs and on the hospital pager system so why don't you just page him?" Not so bright nurse says..."this is his pager". I say, "well you are correct but you called his office pager not the hospital pager. Did you try that pager?" She hung up on me. Since I was already awake I just got up and did some work that I still had to finish up from last night. Hubs came home and said: "Like the patient never showed so I cancelled the surgery". My response: "Like good idea.....helps to have the patient when you are doing surgery on her". So because of said surgery we had later office hours. He decides to do some more painting on the house to try and finish it up. I decide to just go ahead and go and take my shower since it takes me awhile to get ready.

In the shower and the power goes out. Now I am thinking ok...blew a fuse. Will handle it when I get out. Hubs comes in as I was finishing and says, "we don't have power".
I said, "what gave you that clue?"
He said, "like my radio went out".
I said, "did you check the fuses?"
He said, "the whole street is out".
I say did you call ComEd?
He says no where's the number.

Now I am a very organized person. I have this huge list next to the phone of important phone numbers. I said did you look there? He proceeds to go downstairs to get the number and call. Then I hear him yelling up at me....where on the page is the number. My response was that it was on the sheet under utilities (yes I am anal and I categorized the important numbers). So he finally finds the number and calls it. He comes back upstairs and says well that was a waste. I say why. He said....well it was in Spanish. **major eyeroll** I said well, did you push the button for it to speak to you in English? He said no he should not have to - we lived in America. I said bring me the number.

So I call ComEd. Yet another power outage in our area. I said, "would you please tell me what act of who did this one?" Mame (when did I become a mame?)...."your power should be restored by 12:15PM". By golly it was. 12:15 on the nose. Wonder how they knew that?

Come to the main office to find our surgical room flooded again by the restaurant next door. Right now we are in a claim from last week from them. Seems the repair their plumber made didn't work so their main sink/dishwasher area is springing a leak with grease, water, chile peppers, etc onto the floor in our surgical room. Not good. The cabinets are already involved and the entire floor has to come out. We took out just a small portion of the wall and there was 2 inches thick of grease.

Wonder what time I will get out tonight? I just want to go back to bed. And please send me some good juju beans or something.