Monday, September 10, 2007

Tagged again - this time on quirks

I got tagged again via email. I am to list six quirks about myself.

1. I hate the sound of dog whistles, fingernails across a blackboard, knives across a plate, soprano opera singers, rubbing balloons till they make that squeaking noise. All the above drive me up the wall and will drive me from a room.

2. My kitchen has to be clean before I can go to sleep. There can be a zillion things on the floor and cabinets and it won't bother me. Dishes in the sink or countertops do.

3. Words used by kids: wazzup, the word in like everyone like does that, she goes instead of she states or says, double negatives in the same sentence.

4. I have to have everything organized before I can work on anything. My work has to be in piles by importance before I will touch them.

5. I am a list girl. I make lists on things to do that day, things to get at the grocery store (and they are listed in the exact rows where they can be found in the store), and short term and long term goals. I used to be post-it queen but would lose my post-its or leave them in pockets and wash them so I went to yellow legal tablets.

6. I have a routine for morning when I get up and evening when I go to bed. Deviating off said routine pisses me off. I like quiet when I get ready for bed. I decompress. I hate it when hubs becomes 'Mr Chatty' at bedtime and get pissed and I hate getting pissed before bed. I can't sleep then.