Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I am telling you - the cosmos is really weird right now. Maybe it is just my aura or me but all the same - weirdness is happening.

Once upon a started last week. I have been in a weird mood anyway - total exhaustion from the hours we have been working - total frustration dealing with insurance companies and precertifying patients for their surgeries - then we had one of our patients admitted to the hospital so that now means hour long hospital visits to add to our already 14 hour daily schedule - then the senseless killing of 3 parishioners with another in critical condition.

Somehow during the wee hours on Monday, I became target practice:

Yeah you are trying to guess what, right? Well, it was for this critter:

Not once, not twice, not three times, but 5 times. Were they in nice places? Nope. Now in Chicago, the weather isn't supposed to be conducive for those little pests to be around yet - after all we are still getting down to the 30's at night and Monday night into Tuesday we even had snow! Do you think that bothered them? Do you think anyone else in this household got bit? Nope - they made a bullseye for my - gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. Do you know how hard it is to sit still?

Then this morning, going for a coffee cup, I encountered this instead of my cup:

Weirdness. Just. Weirdness.