Saturday, October 4, 2008

Meme'd by Z

Z tagged me.

Here are the rules: Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 56. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the next two to five sentences in your journal/blog along with these instructions. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the closest. Tag five other people to do the same.

This is going to be funny. I had this book out when I did a workshop at Romance Divas. It's the book closest to me - actually the only book sitting on my desk. Those of you who know me probably won't be surprised.

Sexual Reflexology by Mantak Chiaare

Page 56, Next 2-5 sentences after the 5th sentence:

Have your partner lie in your lap or between your legs so that it is easy to
massage the face. No formal techniques are required, just good intention and a
soft touch. Begin exploring your partner's face with a light and gentle
touch. Massage around the eyes, across the forehead, over the cheeks, and
around the lips. Feel the unique quality of the face.

And that's all you are getting - ya just have to buy the book to see what comes next.
So I tag anyone who wants to do it.