Sunday, October 19, 2008

No Coffee Needed

I have never tried writing a scene but something happened in our household that merits telling you about.

Setting: our house
Time of day: wee hours of the morning
Participants: read the story

It's 5:30am on a gorgeous morning - the time most people in this household are sound asleep, snuggled under the covers, dreaming of ....well we shall leave that alone.

Dr P needs to get up and get ready to go to the hospital to operate on one of his patients. Now everyone knows Dr P is not a morning person and the only thing Dr P likes getting up for in the wee hours of the morning is to go play his beloved golf. Therefore it would be a foregone conclusion that Dr P is definitely not a morning person.

The alarm goes off and is reset to snooze 3 times, leaving Dr P with no time to go downstairs to make a cup of coffee. Now Dr P usually wears contacts or glasses, but of course since he is going to take a shower, he has neither on. So Dr P strips and goes into the master bathroom shower to turn on the water. But something furry runs across the shower door. Dr P can't tell what it is. As he is squinting to figure out what he just saw, the thing sniffs Dr P and since she recognizes him, she jumps on him. A blood curdling scream is heard throughout the house. The scream scares the furry object who now latches onto Dr P with her nails.

Dr P (with the furry object holding on for dear life) looks down and sees his son's sugar glider who was supposed to be locked in a cage in son's bedroom. Meanwhile I am rudely awakened by the screams and reach for the nearest object which is laying beside the bed (the cell phone). I still quite don't know what I was going to do with it. Dr P comes into the bedroom and relays the information that the sugar glider got out of her cage and was in the shower. Now still trying to digest this information, I asked why the sugar glider was out of the cage. I got the look.

Dr P marches down the upstairs hall and goes to son's room. He has the sugar glider firmly between his hands and said sugar glider is protesting by barking at him (she doesn't like being confined). Dr P kicks on son's door until he wakes son up (son is a very sound sleeper and has heard nothing). Son opens his door and Dr P tosses the sugar glider onto son who is just wearing boxers. Now sugar glider knows not to dig her nails into son who doesn't like it, so sugar glider sees son's boxers and goes for the boxers and digs her nails in.

2 screaming males were heard that morning. I can only imagine what the neighbors thought. Suffice to say, Dr P and son and I did not need coffee to wake up that morning. And suffice to say, all doors to said cage were firmly checked and double latched.

Here is a picture of son's sugar glider: