Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sony 505

I have an addiction to books. Have always had it even as a little girl. I get so involved into the book I am reading, the only way you can talk to me is to block my line of vision between the book and me. That's how into books I get when I read. This is why I limit my reading deliberately to those times I have the time to read, which now is an hour or so before I go to sleep (I deliberately go to bed early to give myself time to read).

But since I got the Sony, I can't just can't stop reading. Holding an actual book, one can tell how many pages one has actually read. The concept is actually simple - when one opens a book there are more pages on the right than on the left. As you read, the right handed pages are transferred to the left, physically showing how many pages you have read. I would read an inch or so with an actual book.

With the Sony though, there are no pages that go from right to left. There is a visual number at the bottom of the screen that does show what page number you are on out of how many pages in the book. But you are absorbed in the story. Your eye isn't pulled to the page number. I never noticed page numbers on an actual book - only the story. Same with the Sony. I see only the written word.

This has been getting me into a whole lotta trouble. Instead of reading for an hour at night before bed, I am finding myself reading 4 hours and into the wee hours of the morning, leaving me with little sleep. Little sleep plus old age do not go together.

One of my employees suggested a timer. I am thinking this might work. I will let you know.

BTW - the story I have been reading? The Twilight Series by Stephanie Mayer. I don't usually like vampire books. My first venture back to reading about them was Dakota Cassidy's Accidental Series which I will review after reading the next book out this summer. My daughter is the one who convinced me to read the Twilight series. It has captivated me. I started the series Friday. I started book 3 last night.

**sigh** I will be getting lots of sleep in a week after surgery so I can wait on the timer until I go back to work. But right now: I am sleep deprived!