Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year - Cheaters

This is getting too redundant. Yep, they are at it again. It's funny that every time I post about people who cheat when playing the game Words With Friends, they don't cheat for 2-3 games. So I am hoping this works again because otherwise I will be the one dumping them. They can go cheat with someone else!

But please, do not use words you have no idea what they mean. It is ignorant. It just shows you are cheating and that isn't a good taste to leave with someone you call a friend.

New words the past month or so:

whipt - you got whipped so it got shortened? I figured to probably meant some kind of whipping based on the derivative and I wasn't too far off: it means to beat with a strap, lash, rod, or the like, especially by way of punishment or chastisement. But I can guarantee this was not a high school word which is her education.

ziram - is this a drink? a game? Nope - the real definition is a chemical that is used as an agricultural fungicide to control and prevent the spread of fungal infections. Now again, this is not a high school word and she has never been to a farm nor would have anything to do with a farm.    

quoit - maybe a fruit? Nope - I wasn't even close. It has its roots in ancient Greece as a game which involves throwing of metal, rope, or rubber rings over a set distance, usually to land over or near a spike. Today's horseshoes is a quoit.

spaed - is this the new spelling for a female dog getting spayed? Nope, wrong again.  It is a simple past tense and past participle of spae which means to prophesy, foretell, or predict.

quaich - are you thirsty and need to be quenched? Hey, I wasn't far off. It is a Scottish term for a shallow drinking cup, typically made of wood and having 2 handles.

mho - I can only think this is an acroynym. My humble opinion? Nope.....wasn't even close. It is the reciprocal of an ohm which is a former unit of electrical conductance. Ok then. I think I like My Humble Opinion a whole lot better!

brent - a male name? Nope - it means the leading global price benchmark for Atlantic basin crude oils. It is used to price two thirds of the world's internationally traded crude oil supplies. Okay....learned something new....but I thought they traded by barrels.      

xenia - maybe a movie about an outer space goddess? Ok again, not too far off because there was a movie with the name of Xenia. But in reality it is the ancient Greek concept of hospitality, the generosity and courtesy shown to those who are far from home and/or associates of the person bestowing guest-friendship.  

nonet - none with a t on the end? Actually I should have gotten this one since it relates to music. It means a group of nine people or things, especially musicians.  

All I have to say is: do not use a word playing against me in Words for Friends if you have no clue what said word means. That is cheating plain and simple. And then don't sit and tell me that you know these words when you are going against a person whose IQ is triple yours because you are definitely not worth anything nor a friendship with me.