Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The circle of life. Take for instance naps.

When your children are infants they take a nap more than they are up. As they age they slowly decrease the time they are asleep and increase the time they are awake until such time they no longer need a nap. I remember my oldest got down to one nap a day by the time she was a year old. I thought my brief time alone during the day would last longer but alas she was a curious child who thought naps meant she couldn't be making some mess somewhere. In fact I used to rejoice when she was even quiet for a few minutes until I learned that meant she was into something she wasn't supposed to be.

Then along came son who decided as an infant to toddler to adult that he just needed to eat every 2 hours around the clock. So until I taught him where the Cheerios were and how to get his own breakfast during the night, I was doomed to be perpetually tired. I would bribe calmly talk my daughter into laying down beside me while son would nap so I could outlast them both. But then again I was younger.

Up until today I have not been able to work the entire day. But I thought that today was the day I could be up all day. It also happened to coincide with my first day back to work at the main office coupled with the end of the month stuff. But by mid afternoon, I could no longer keep my eyes open. I was trying to do payroll and just couldn't remember what numbers I was supposed to add - although I don't think the girls would mind if it was in their favor. I finally got up and stole a patient room and curled up and snoozed. I had the girls promise to wake me if I snored. I had a good catnap.

But come on now - even though I am the legal speed limit now, I am still young. I don't even qualify for a senior citizen discount most places. Yet, I need my midday nap now.

Life has come full circle. Next it will be diapers - wait that has already happened. Okay, so next will be soft pureed food - wait that has happened too when I was going through the tooth and dentist from hell.

I can only imagine what is next.

BUT there is hope for me:

A study by Boston's Harvard School of Public Health showed that older adults who took a half-hour midday nap at least three times a week had an amazing 37% lower risk of death from heart attacks and disease than those who did not nap. The researchers suggest that the key factor in the effect of napping on heart disease risk could be stress reduction. Napping has also been shown to improve mood, increase energy and endurance, boost memory, focus, and comprehension, and enhance libido.

So looks like I am keeping my naptime.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Prayers for C

C is a friend and the husband of a friend and the father of a friend so he's a pretty special man to me. He is a Vietnam vet who was affected by Agent Orange. He is currently in a hospital fighting for his life. My prayers are with him and his fight and his family. Prayers are needed from all of you too.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Need Another Surgery

Have you ever gotten news that you didn't know whether you wanted or news that all you didn't know if you wanted to cry, laugh, or throw things? That was me Friday.

I was told that once again at 5 weeks and 1 day postop from my 3rd right ankle surgery, that I needed surgery again. This is all from a fall in Philadelphia that happened on August 15th, 2007. I don't think I have totally wrapped my brain around it yet.

So Friday I had a doctor appointment to have my cast removed which did happen. The doctor told me to stand up and try to walk. I couldn't. The outside of my heel had a very very sharp pain that went up my leg and the heel felt like it wasn't stable and the outside of the ankle felt like it was not supported by anything. So the doctor immediately took me over to the fluoroscopic unit and we found 2 bone chips on the outside of the ankle. They were missed in prior x-rays because an x-ray is only one dimensional. Actually the place the bone chips were, no x-ray would have picked them up. I have had MRI's and CT scans which never showed them either, mainly because with any test that was done, there were always metallic screws and anchors in my ankle from the prior surgeries. Those screws and anchors would distort the picture and the distorted place was where the chips were.

This last surgery I had those screws and anchors taken out so I am scheduled for another MRI this Wednesday. They will not only be looking at those 2 chips but any damage they might have done to the posterior part of the ankle (the back part) and to the 3 ligaments that provide stability to the back part of the ankle - the posterior talo-fibular ligament, the posterior inferior talo-fibular ligament, and the calcaneofibular ligament. The actual incidence that these ligaments are torn and never repair themselves is rare. Of course, me being me, nothing is rare for me.

So I await the MRI results. I can shower and pretty much have no restrictions - the doctor said my ankle will tell me what I can do or not. Friday night I was able to walk in a walking cast boot with crutches although pretty slow. I went back to the scooter by that evening. The ankle throbbed all day yesterday from all the movements the doctor did to it on Friday and because of the storms that rolled in last night so I pretty well just stayed off it and in bed.

Up until this point the thought of suing Philadelphia had never entered my mind. But gotta tell you, the way the medical bills are stacking up, the thought has occurred to me now. All the pain and everything I have been through the past 2 years is all because Philadelphia can't repair a sidewalk.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy Birthday C!

A Big Happy Birthday wish goes out to my son-in-law.
He and daughter went camping this weekend
and of course grandma and grandpa get the grand doggies.
We will celebrate tomorrow night at the restaurant of C's choice.

For a Very Special Son-in-Law.
Love brought you into the family...love brought you into our hearts.
It's hard to ask for a better son-in-law than you are
and still harder to imagine our family without you now!
Hope You Have a Wonderful Birthday

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


We all know I can be a klutz. I mean, the reason I have had 3 ankle surgeries in 2 years is because I fell on a wonderfully even Philadelphia sidewalk (sarcasm here).

This is day 33. Each and every day it seems I accumulate more bruises. Week one I had 2 close encounters of the door kind and got my right elbow and arm and shoulder. Week 2 I had a huge bruise from a close encounter of a wall kind on my left hip. Week 3 I had a close encounter of the shower door kind on my left shoulder and elbow. This is week 4 and of course I couldn't let a week go by without a few more, right? The above picture is one bruise on my left knee. There are actually 7 in total there now. They were close encounters with my scooter.

So why am I bruising so easily? Well, a bruise is a skin injury that results in a discoloration of the skin. Blood from damaged blood vessels deep beneath the skin collects near the surface of the skin resulting in what we see as a black and blue mark.

There are many reasons why we bruise. They are:
1. Deficiency in vitamin C can make a person more susceptible to bruising. Actually this is one of my problems since anyone who has surgery decreases their levels of Vitamin C in their body. I am currently taking more than I should but there are other reasons I have too.
2. People who are on blood thinners or plain aspirin or even a baby aspirin (which is what I am on also because of the immobility. Nsaids also will cause thinning of your blood. (Yep me again)
3. People typically get bruises when they bump into something or when something bumps into them. (Yep moi)
3. Bruises can occur in some people who exercise rigorously, such as athletes and weight lifters. These bruises result from microscopic tears in blood vessels under the skin.
4. Unexplained bruises that occur easily or for no apparent reason may indicate a bleeding disorder, especially if the bruising is accompanied by frequent nosebleeds or bleeding gums.
5. Often, what are thought to be unexplained bruises on the shin or the thigh, for example, actually result from bumps into a bedpost or other object and failing to recall the injury. (Me again)
6. Bruises in elderly people frequently occur because their skin has become thinner with age. The tissues that support the underlying blood vessels have become more fragile. (If you ask hubs he says I fit here too but I say since I don't qualify for a senior citizen discount yet I don't qualify as an elderly person).

Initially, a fresh bruise may actually be reddish. It will then turn blue or dark purple within a few hours, then yellow or green after a few days as it heals. Bruises are commonly tender, and sometimes even painful for the first few days, but the pain usually goes away as the color fades although mine aren't unless I bump them again. Because the skin is not broken in a bruise as with a scrape or cut there is no risk of infection.

How to care for a bruise:
1. Applying a cold compress or ice pack will reduce swelling.
2. Take 2 or 3 regular Tea bags, and soak them in warm water until they are saturated. Then drain off the excess fluid from the Tea bags and apply them firmly to the bruise for at least 20 min. Do this twice a day early morning and before you go to bed.
3. Now this one I could get into and it could lead to some kinky treatments: Apply melted chocolate directly to the bruise and wrap it in gauze overnight.

Yep, just bathe me in melted chocolate.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weather Affects Health

Finally, proof I am not nuts. Okay.....maybe only partly nuts. I was actually starting to feel a whole lot better and even was considering going to all the offices to work instead of only working one of the offices. But since the temperature went up in the Chicago area, my foot and ankle have been going nuts. At first I thought it was because of my zero tolerance for heat and the fact that my leg is wrapped like a papoose. The cast on my leg and foot feels like I am my own personal fur coat smothering me - it just doesn't smell like mothballs.

Google is interesting, especially when one is bored and has time on their hands. I found hundreds of studies that link temperature, humidity, air pressure, or wind to arthritis, asthma, migraines, and other health problems.

Here are a couple of things I found:
1. Rising temperatures causes heart, vascular and respiratory problems. This is because those high temperatures force your blood vessels to constrict and your blood pressure to increase so your body will release heat through your skin. This will cause all those health problems. But menopausal women can't cool ourselves like this and our body overheats way too easily with the slightest effort of any kind.

2. Just like temperature, humidity plays a huge role in how you feel. The studies offer conflicting evidence but all recognize that high humidity appears to increase aches and fatigue. They think it is because normally your body perspires to cool you down but when the humidity is high, you become trapped in a moist environment where your perspiration can't happen and escape which causes you to use extra energy which leaves you feeling sluggish or tired or unable to concentrate.

All I know is that I have an almost constant headache even taking Naprosyn 2 pills twice a day to reduce the swelling in my ankle, my body is totally exhausted even doing the littlest things, my ability to concentrate and play games is reduced, and my leg and foot are getting claustrophobic. If the doctor does not take this cast off for good on Friday, I might have to use a crutch on him.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Chicago Heat Wave

I know this is the 2nd day of the official start of summer. I don't care. Chicago is currently in a heat wave. Now to most a heat wave is described as a prolonged period of excessively hot weather which is sometimes accompanied by high humidity.

Yeah.....my definition is any degree over 30. When it reaches 90 it is horrible. Now picture a hot flashing woman trying to hop around on one foot with the other foot encompassed in a winter fur jacket of many layers. Now picture said woman with her makeup streaking down her shirt and someone asks said woman, "Why are you sweating"?

First and foremost - woman don't sweat. We perspire. There are times we perspire a whole heck of a lot. Older women do this. Don't ask us anything when you see the perspiration. We are the older version of a PMS'ing female or a typical crabby male that gets told he has to do chores. Same difference. Just give us a fan and air conditioning and have sunglasses ready because you never know when we will start stripping. Plus an additional warning - I have learned to throw crutches like a javelin and hit the right spot every time.

I want winter back.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

I think the above says it all. I love you honey honey honey! Happy Father's Day!

A big Happy Father's Day to my own father and father-in-law and to all the fathers out there! May your day be as special as you are!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Resting and Relaxing

Today I spent the day resting after all the excitement yesterday with the storms, a hair appointment, locking my son out of the car when he so kindly took me to the hairdresser in the pouring rain and then wasted a half hour of gas while waiting for N to bring us my purse with a spare key.

I read a few more books. I am going to have to start posting reviews. A lot of them are authors from Romance Divas and have no idea I got their books nor read them. I wanted to keep it kinda hush hush because I didn't want to be influenced. Plus I believe one should actually buy an author's books when reviewing them and not get them pro bono. I believe that is the only fair review then. Luckily for them, all the authors to date I have read, I have loved.

Currently I am reading the Chandler Brothers series by Carly Phillips. I am on the 2nd book which I started around 5pm.

Tomorrow I plan on trying to attend church with the family for Father's Day then going out for brunch. It will be my first attempt at doing more during the day but I figure I can always take a nap in the afternoon before starting laundry.

I also watched a couple of movies today - Hallmark Channel romances.

So what do you do when you are resting and relaxing?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Spring Storms

For the most part, our area has not been hit with spring storms like other towns around us. The storms coming in from the west seem to split in 2 with one going north of us and the other south. Last night and today we weren't as lucky. We are currently in another wave of huge storms so I am sure the total number of inches will be a lot higher. Before this storm started, O'Hare had 3.6 inches which broke the last record set in 1961.

Around our house, one could not go west or east or north or south. Hubs had a few surgeries today to do at the hospital and he had to really wind around to get home. Normally the hospital is 15 minutes away but it took him over an hour this afternoon. The above picture is a low point just east of us, blocking off the road and making a new lake of the road. Thankfully we have not taken on any water but we do have a river on either side of us running between the house to the north of us and the house south of us. When we built this house, we deliberately put in drain tiles and a dip between the houses to allow for rain run-off.

We have lost power on and off today which is why I haven't posted earlier. It's also been an interesting day. Thanks N for going and getting my purse then bringing said purse to son and I who were stranded at the beauty shop. I kinda did an OOPS when I got out of his car - I pushed the auto door lock, locking him out of the car after he had dropped me off. We thought he would run out of gas but thankfully he was ok and made it to the gas station.

Curious to see how much more rain we got tonight.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

4 weeks post 3rd ankle surgery

Ankle update: the remaining sutures were removed today - pretty painful since the skin had supposedly grown around them. I don't really know because I can't look. I know I am a registered nurse. I should be used to blood, guts, and gore. But on myself no way. Got some pictures but they are not pretty. I think I will wait until the blood is not there.

Give me a gang war in the ER to repair the slashed and gashes, give me a heart attack and do CPR and give the needed drugs and record everything, give me a car accident with multiple injuries, give me ankles that look like golf clubs, give me broken bones with the bones coming out of the skin, give me gunshot wounds to clean where you stick your whole hand into their belly. Just don't take me to surgery because I will pass out in 2.2 seconds as soon as I put a mask on. Plus don't let me look at you doing anything to me like giving me a shot, doing surgery on me including ingrown toenails, and don't let me look at you taking out my sutures. I will pass out.

I am an empath. I will feel your pain. I don't understand why I can't see things done to myself unless you listen to my husband who says I am just plain weird. No clue. Doesn't matter. Weirdness - I take the 5th.

Does the ankle feel better with the sutures out? Can't tell. Feels the same. Does my butt still hurt? Sure does. I think my son was going to choke tonight when he heard that with the size of my rear, I was more concerned about the pain in my tushie than in my ankle.

Ankle back into a splint which is a half cast. Still non-weight bearing for another week. Joy Joy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Another Quote

.......just because I am original like that and because I couldn't think of anything else but this quote since I got it a week ago via email. Ever have that happen to you? Well, it happens to me.

Here is the quote:
'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.' When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. Concentrate on this sentence... 'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'

Pretty powerful words that can take on more than one meaning. I like quotes like that. This type stays with me kinda like the one I have in my profile:
"Life is not measured by how many breaths you take, but by what takes your breath away."

As for yesterday's quote and words of wisdom and inspiration - yesterday was definitely a down day for me. I was in a total pity party. Pain will do that to you. The pain in the ankle is better today but the rear isn't. I am going to try to go downstairs later today for a few hours just for a change of pace and 4 different walls.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I had a bad night last night with pain and finally stripped off the bandages this morning and found out my foot was strangulating itself and all my toes were sausages. Hubs left the bandages off for a bit and put an ice pack to my ankle to try and reduce the swelling so he could rewrap it before he had to be at the office. He did rebandage it. Son fed me lunch. Played around here for a bit but not really in a good mood - tired and cranky = the witch with a b.

So I decided I needed something inspirational until the drugs kick in. I went to one of my favorite websites: http://greatday.com/
This was today's motivating inspirational quote:

Force of goodness

Be a force of goodness in this world. Be a source of light.
Let the joy you imagine flow out from you and take on a life of its own. Give love and see it grow.

Feel the dreams and values and visions that are most authentically you. Let them guide your thoughts and actions.

You are beautiful in your very own way. That special beauty is your gift to life, so give freely and enjoy each precious day.

Live true to what you know is good and what you know is right. What you gain by so doing is truly worth having.

Feel the miracle of which you are a part. And live the goodness in every moment.

-- Ralph Marston

Good is the pain pills and knowing that my staff is operating without me and taking care of things. I never expected this last surgery to put me out of commission so long. I will ponder the true power of those words on a clear mind later. Right now I am snuggling down on my side. Funny thing - the pain pills don't help the rear.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Books Made into Movies

Ok....my day today besides putting my ankle up to keep the swelling out of it thus the pain out, consisted of getting ready for work (takes me a couple of hours because I can't put my foot down for more than 10 minutes at a time), bumping down the 19 steps on my sore rear to get to the 1st floor, then working for 5 hours, then came home and crawled back up the stairs, hopped over to the bed and laid down, putting my foot higher than my heart. I have played a few games on the internet, answered a couple of emails, and am watching a movie.

This movie happens to be Love in the Time of Cholera, a book I loved. The movie adaption not so much. I find that often happens. I love love love the book but hate the movie. There is one of Picoult's coming out soon - Memory Keeper's Daughter and I loved the book but haven't decided if I want to see the movie.

Anyone else feel that way?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

This One Time at Band Camp

The idea for this post was off a board I visit.

This one time at band camp...........well we never actually had a band camp. But yes, I was a band geek and proud of it. Without band, I would not have survived high school.

All 450 of us band members were together every day for 2 hours - one hour during school and 1 hour after school, for all 4 years. During the winter the hour after school was divided into sections and we worked on our concert material. During the fall and spring we worked on marching and football halftime programs. This was in addition to games, jazz band, orchestra, musicals, concerts, competitions, etc and was year round. We always traveled one week a year during the summer. Now those trips were my 'band camp'.

There were always funny things happening on those trips. We didn't fly - we took coach style buses. Now getting a seat on that bus was actually what I think was the only fair thing at the school. We had to EARN our place on that bus. There were 450 of us and only 300 went on the trips so competition was pretty heavy. We always seemed to get into trouble. My freshman year we went to DC and toured the battle grounds in PA, historical homes in MD, NJ, etc. I was pretty innocent during that year. No - really I was but I was a quick learner.

The next year was a trip to Canada and Niagara Falls. I guess there had been some 'problems' the prior year and so they split up all the kids - 4 to a room and each room contained one each from each year. I was put in with this senior who was in the popular crowd and who talked me into escaping the room after lights out to go to the party room. We couldn't go into the hallway since that was where the chaperones were patrolling. So inventive me, anxious to be with the cool kids, tied sheets together and we went out the window (we were on the 2nd floor). Had a blast that year. Somehow (I didn't do it and won't acknowledge I had any part of it), a size 44DDD bra was put on the flagpole...and that was only one of the things that initiated me into what goes on behind the scenes during these trips and during rehearsals.

The next 2 years we went to Disney in FL and by this time I learned the ways to dodge the chaperones. We were hungry so I ordered a pizza, conned a taxi driver to pick it up and deliver it to the hotel room all without "touching a toenail outside your room rule". I think it was that year that I got introduced to alcohol too - Southern Comfort in the boys bathroom during pep band for the basketball game. Let's just say the instruments were not safe from me stumbling back up to where I was sitting.

Now band is where all my high school memories are. In band, I became a person and not the teacher's daughter who was a geek, got good grades, was always teacher's pets (actually had blackmail info on them from attending parties at my parent's house or things I found in their house while babysitting their kids) and the geek who wore horned rimmed cat eye glasses.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Yep today's topic is infomercials. Why you ask? Because I am still stuck in bed and honestly I swear I could write one by now. They are so stupid.

Believe it or not, I think there is actually a format for an infomercial. They use catchy phrases, repeat things like crazy, use celebrities as hosts or guests, and use limited time offers. There is a lot of "But wait!"; "But wait there's more!"; "But that's not all!"; "But Wait! Call in now and we'll knock off one payment/make first payment for you and add (whatever item they are hawking or something to go with it)"; or "And if you aren't satisfied, you can try (product) risk free for (number) days"; or this one: "Not available in stores!". Some of the most famous ones I see over and over is lately is the Sham Wow and The Snugly but the Chia Pet infomercials always begging the Christmas season. The worst I have seen is the Colon Cleanser (Klee Irwin) who talks passionately about bowel movements and has an oil slick on his head. Kinda makes me wonder why one doesn't just eat White Castle - does the same thing and cheaper.

Infomercials - we all know they are the most ridiculous commercials on TV. Somehow they exist and are thriving. They tap pop culture and use the famous marketing tool of word of mouth type advertising fundamental. There were even Snugly walks and get togethers in Chicago. They have subtle humor, cheesy corny scripts, overt drama to go with a simplistic and practical (ok not always practical) product that you absolutely must have in order to live.

Basically infomercials are persuasive advertising or persuasive writing. I am trying to watch as many as I can so I can figure out out to get my husband to give me a butt massage. I figure they make millions that they can teach me a thing or two about persuading my husband. Wish me luck!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Conspiracy Theory

I had my doctor's appointment today. I swear my husband conspired with my doctor to keep me non-weight bearing and on my sore rear, staying at home in bed. The doctor said I am progressing although truthfully, I can't tell. I can't move my foot and ankle - I look at it willing it to move but it doesn't listen to me (kinda like the kids and hubs do - selective hearing).

So I got put back into a non-weight bearing cast for another 2-3 weeks and told to keep doing what I have been doing which is not working.

Now hubs made me take a pain pill before I went to the doctor and of course, it made me loopier than normal. I swear I heard the following conspiracy:

Hubs: "It is a real pain to take her anywhere with the scooter and the crutches, then waiting on her hand and foot. Besides I get peace during the day away from her."

Doctor: "Well, then let's keep her non-weight bearing and staying at home so your son takes care of her and you don't have to deal with her. Also make sure she takes those drugs that make her loopy so she sleeps and doesn't realize what we are doing."

Hubs: "Sounds good for me. I get another 2-3 weeks of peace."

Now I am not for sure they really said that but they did escape from my room while the tech was putting my new cast on and were talking about me. I know this because my nose was itching and we all know that when your nose itches, someone is talking about you. And remember I am on drugs. Trying to remember through the drug foggy brain, I think they did say 6 weeks of non-weight bearing but I don't seem to remember the not working bit.

All I know is I will be on my rear for another 2-3 weeks and my right leg in the cast is getting skinnier and the fat is being pushed up to the rear which seems to be spreading from all the sitting.

It's a conspiracy.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Be Careful For What You Wish For

Since I have nothing much to do but time (or so I thought), the above saying came to me last night. I went to balance the checkbook for the month and instead found missing data (like 2 years worth) from Quicken on the main computer. I have done this before - forgotten to back up...but I had been so where were the files? Then I remembered I had put Quicken on my laptop. Said laptop died almost 6 months ago. I haven't replaced it because frankly I hate hate Vista and refuse to buy it so I have and have been without my own laptop so I have been 'sharing' hubs. Please note the small fact that for the past 6 months, I have not had my laptop so therefore it had not been updated either. Nope - all I could remember was the following.

So my dear son-in-law had gotten this doo-hickey thingie that transfers data off the laptop hard drive and transferred it to a data storage thingie. OKOK I don't even pretend to know the names of those things. I probably have been told numerous times but they escape my brain right now.

I thought - great! I have the thingie and can replace the files on the main computer so I did. Big OOPS........AFTER I overwrote the files I remembered that small wee fact that I haven't updated the laptop for over 6 months. Yep, I overwrote the files. I had the most up to date files on the computer if I had gone into the right account. So now I am looking for the other doohickie thingie that I had backed up the files on last month. I haven't found it yet but realize I can't get to some places. I did try on my hands and knees but soon realized crawling on the floor feels good for a baby but for a 55 year old woman sporting a humungo cast and bruised knees, it doesn't feel so great. Plus I had son, daughter, and hubs watching me laughing their you know whats off.

So instead I saved my dignity and knees, and began replacing the data for the last 6 months. I know that as soon as I get it all done, that doohickie will show up.

So up to the past 21 days, all I wanted to do was sit home and read and do whatever I wanted. I got my wish. It isn't all it is cracked up to be.

Which then led me to wonder where this quote came from. There are a number of versions and it is attributed to a number of sources such as in the story the Monkey's Paw, which is a classic horror story apparently written by W.W. Jacobs, first appearing in Harpers Monthly in 1902. The story begins with a quotation "Be careful what you wish for, you may receive it"; however it was attributed by Jacobs to anonymous. Here are some other variations I found which are interesting:

Be careful what you
set your heart upon--
for it will surely be yours.
Attributed to James Baldwin

I write of the wish that comes true--
for some reason,
a terrifying concept.
By James M. Cain

Ambition is a Dead Sea fruit
and the greatest peril to the soul is that
one is likely to get precisely what he is seeking. By Edward Dahlberg

Beware, my Lord!
Beware lest stern Heaven hate
you enough to hear your prayers!
By Anatole France

I still like my version, be careful for what you wish for because it can come true. Now I wish I could find that doohickie.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Some friends (yep the famous J's) turned me onto this game about a week or so ago. It's on facebook and part of the reason why I been missing in action at times. Instead of working, I have been wasting my time playing Facebook Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. My goal is to get higher than my friends. I did it once but have no clue how I did it.

So I went off to the world wide Internet and googled Bejeweled Blitz hints. I decided to share them with you all here. Gotta say I have done all of them and still at times have to use that hint button because these old eyes just cannot find a match.

1.The multiplier is key. How it seems to work is to first get a power gem. Power gems form when you connect a sequence of 4 like gems. Once you have that, create a cascading sequence that causes a power gem to explode - so do one move that starts another move that makes the power gem in Bejeweled Blitz explode. (Easier said than done).

2.Your first move of the game should be to look to make a power gem. Take a second and look for one. Many times, the game starts you off where you can easily make one. (Hey I am lucky sometimes to even find one match let alone a power gem).

3.One of the best ways to get cascades to happen is play at the bottom of the screen. When you do that, you're a lot more likely to get things above to just sort of randomly happen. (Yep tried this. Didn't work. I am beginning to think these games are as rigged as the slot machines in Vegas).

4.Always be looking to create power gems. Always. That's basically your goal. The more you have on the screen, the more likely you are to find combinations that will make them explode. (Again the trick is to find one).

5.When you get a multiplier on the screen (first make as many as you can), your next goal is to get it to explode. You don't necessarily need to get that multiplier's color combination to do this. If you have a power gem next to it, then get that power gem to explode and you still get the multiplier because the near by explosion caused it also to explode. (Have never ever been able to do this. It's hard enough to get one let alone more than one).

6.Once you make a combination on one side of the screen, immediately look to the other side of the screen where blocks being removed won't affect anything and set up your next move there instead of waiting to see what happens where you just made your move. This saves a ton of time and you don't get "lost" when things didn't work out like you wanted. This is an important Bejeweled Blitz tip for sure. (Are they for real here? I am lucky to see one side).

7.If you can be patient and try to group like colors/gem together instead of just making single, 3-gem combinations then you're more likely to be able to create a power gem. (No shit sherlock).

8.One strategy I use on the longer game is to look for combinations based on color/gem. Look over the whole board and do all the blue ones, then maybe the red ones, etc. If you deplete a certain color, then the game is usually more likely to give you more of that color when it gives you more gems, thus putting those gems near each other. It sort of creates nice groups for you. This might not be the best strategy for such a short game, but try it if you want. (Tried this 3 times. Didn't do anything for me).

9.Once nice thing about this version (Bejeweled Blitz) is that you can move gems before the game lets you. Once the game is ready, it performs that move. If things are happening, you can go to another sector of the board that isn't going to be affected by what's going on and make a move in advance and sort of get ahead of the game. Not all versions of Bejeweled let you do this, so take advantage. You can also get in an extra move at the end of the game even when time has run out if you've done moves in advance while time was still on the clock - usually just one move though. (Yeah if you ate your wheaties and had a chaser of Red Bull).

10.You can get down to the point where there are not a lot of combinations. When that happens, look at the top of the screen where new gems have come in. You're more likely to find a combination there since the game seems to be set up with its own rule so that you never get stuck. This can actually play to your advantage since it'll keep having to make combinations to obey its rule and you can all of sudden get multiple cascading combinations going almost automatically. (Fingers in ears....yadayadayadayada).

11.Hypercubes. They're great to get. What really matters in Bejeweled Blitz is if you use it when your multiplier is high. So you can save it if you want. Just don't explode it or you lose it. (Great to get? I have gotten 2 in over 5,000 games. Pray - ya gotta pray).

12.Play quickly. There are bonus points for playing fast. When you make a connection and you hear the higher pitched noise, that means you're making those bonus points.(So you are telling me this is not for old people?)

13.Play on a computer that's fast enough, has enough memory and a good Internet connection. Close down other programs if you have to. (Laptops don't work?)

14.If you have a bad game, don't get down. Just play another one. Since the background color of the game seems to change, sometimes it's harder to see gem combinations with certain background colors - so it's not you! (Now this is how it sucks you in).

15.If you're stuck, use the Hint button. It's better to take a small hit on points than waste time.The game usually gives you excellent hints. (Just found the hint button but a word of caution - you need to watch the screen to find the hint because it doesn't stick around long enough).

16.And don't look at your score until the end of the game. You might lose focus if you do. You should look at what level your multiplier is though. (This was the only thing that was true. I didn't look the one time I got a high score. I was like holy beegeebees how the h did I do that? I felt like Urkel).

Monday, June 8, 2009

Recuperating from Ankle Surgery

Ever slept in a really crappy bed that is so hard you swear it would be easier to sleep on the floor? Yeah, that is what our bed is beginning to feel like - exactly what the bed above would feel like.

We bought a new bed last year. It is an extra firm pillow top Sealy Posturpedic. Up until now I loved the bed. Thought it was the most comfortable we have ever had. That is until Day 18.

I have bones I didn't know I have. I added a foam padding to my side of the bed to try to make it more pillowy and comfy but yeah......no help. Don't get me wrong - I am not totally relegated to bed. Just for most of the time. I am allowed up on the scooter to go to the bathroom. Plus I can take a shower with my nifty shower bag kneeling on a chair in the shower stall using a folding chair to keep myself balanced (yeah I am a klutz)!

So last week I have been allowed to go to work but honestly the 2 half days I have been going put me back down for another 2 days. Yesterday I got up and went downstairs and did laundry and balanced the checking accounts. Not much - most of it was spent on my rear in the computer chair with my leg elevated. You would think that would be ok but no. I am grounded today. Yep, 55 and grounded. Told to stay home and keep my you know what in bed with the leg elevated. The words weren't quite that nice but you get the drift.

So here I am again. Day 18 and slowly going nuts.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

High School Reunion Update

On Feb 22, 2009, I did a post on high school reunions mainly concerning my husband's upcoming 40th. I had noted in that post that I attended my 10th reunion but have not attended any others. I have no wish to either. We ended up leaving mine and going back to the home of one of the friends that I still keep in touch with. It was in that post that I stated that statistics show that only 20-30% ever attend their own high school reunions and the type of kids that did.

I should have waited for the article on CNN did on 5-13-09. It was pretty interesting and the poll they did with over 103,612 votes was also pretty interesting.

Here was their poll:

Did you do anything special to prepare for your high school reunion?
% of votes Total Votes
Lost weight........10%............10590
Buffed up...........4%.............4189
Got fake hair.......2%.............1827
Didn't go..........84%............87206
Total votes: 103812

Here is the link (remove the ***'s):

So seems like I with the group that didn't go and there are a lot of us that either didn't lose weight, didn't buff up, didn't get fake hair, or just plain didn't care. Yeah, kinda like where and who I am.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Insurance Company Rant

Most of you know my husband had a total prostatectomy done this past November for prostate cancer with a Gleason score of 8. Most of you don't know that this surgery and actually any surgery in this area can compromise the nerves and vascular bundles that run along side of the prostate. So when it is taken out, multiple problems can develop. We have been lucky with the no incontinence issues but have been in what hubs urologist calls sexual rehab aka retraining the nerves and vascular bundles to know what to do (think of it as relearning to walk). We have been through 2 different strengths of Viagra with no luck. At our last appointment, the urologist gave us samples of a daily Cialis. It has had some success - not much but some. Hubs wants to continue trying this before we get to the next step which is injections.

So he called the urologist to get an order for the daily Cialis. One would think that there would be no problem. WRONG. The insurance company denied the request and stated he is only allowed 8 pills per month. Well, a daily pill is specifically prepared to be given daily in small doses. How the h can they think 8 pills or 2 a week will do anything?

Guess what I will be doing tomorrow? Me thinks I will be taking out my frustrations of being house confined out on someone at the insurance company.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Little of This and That

I totally forgot to say Happy Memorial Day to all the veterans and their families out there. My father served in the Korean War and my FIL was in WWII and marched with General Patton in 5 battles from Egypt to Italy where he was wounded in the Battle of Anzio. I have many friends I went to high school with that also lost their lives or survived but with horrible consequences (Vietnam War) along with the children of friends who were in Desert Storm and friends of my children who are currently serving in either Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, etc. War is horrible and I applaud and give thanks to all of you who fought for my freedom and their families who served by standing by their spouse or child.

Ankle update: Still on my rear in bed. I am allowed to go to the bathroom and take a shower and twice a week to work at the one office. I am not allowed anything else. First thing I ask my hubs for when he returns from work: rub my rear. I swear I never knew I didn't have enough padding.

I have been reading a whole lot - reviews coming soon. I have also got involved in a new reality series this year on WGN called Hitched or Ditched. It just amazes me how many out there who are in long term relationships that can't decide to marry or not and instead just live together for however long they want. Hitched or Ditched gets those couples to either commit to marry in one week or ditch their SO. I have watched 3 shows with only 1 realizing they really loved each other and got married. The other 2 ditched. I knew even before the moment hubs and I got engaged that we were getting married and we committed to each other long before we did get engaged and married. I just don't understand what today's youth are thinking. It's an either or, not a play house until we decide. Definite generation gap for understanding for me. I always went by the logic that if I had to ask if this relationship was for real and if I loved him, then it wasn't. If I knew, it was right. My gut has never led me astray.

Other than that, I got nothing but a sore rear.