Monday, April 8, 2019

Updating once again

It's been 4 months since I published anything here. That doesn't mean my life has become so exciting and busy that I haven't had time.

It also doesn't mean I don't have things to say because I do.

It's more how to say what needs to be said and yet still have a daughter and granddaughter.

It's more how to deal with a son-in-law who is slowly killing my daughter and granddaughter.

It's more on how to cope with an overbearing foul mouthed woman who married my father and thinks her input is needed for anything and everything.

It's more on turning 65 and yet I still allow others to dictate what I do when.

I am still growing up. There are days my life totally sucks. There are days my life is totally fulfilling. I need to find a way to have more of the fulfilling days and not the ones that suck.

I will write more. I need the outlet.