Saturday, August 24, 2019

Acute Pancreatitis

I am not going to say I am updating again. Everything continues. Updating means something is new.

I am slowly getting better with the word SLOW as the operative word. I am now down 40 pounds. I can tolerate jello, banana, and chicken noodle soup and sometimes a cracker or two. I have acute pancreatitis caused from a medication reaction which shut down my pancreas. I went almost 2 and a half months nothing by mouth except water. I have been slowly adding the above to get to last week. I tried to skip a few steps while keeping to a non-fat diet but my body said nope not going to let you do that. I tried a grilled turkey - nope. Tried regular potato - nope. Tried non-fat yogurt - nope. Tried a roast cooked in the pressure cooker with steamed potatoes and carrots - nope.

So far have tolerated steamed or grilled chicken breast (1 ounce max), 3 slices of steamed sweet potato, and a handful of either Italian green beans, carrots, or asparagus (all steamed of course with no seasoning or condiments). Just plain old steamed food like the plate above shows. So far have coasted with that once a day and the other the rest of the day. Oh and I added CBD oil to my diet - it has been amazing to be able to think and function again without pain and nausea.

Now don't get me wrong. The good thing of all this is I am losing weight without even trying. And that plate above? Looks amazing to me. Totally filling too! Times are a'changin'