A friend of mine posted a few days ago about the 'Honey Do List' and how nothing ever goes away from it. She decided to just do some of the things herself. That's what usually happens here too.
Her post got me to thinking - no seriously - a business where men, okay good looking men, would listen to us and would fix anything we want done. Nice fantasy - about as real as my own husband doing anything on his 'Honey Do List'.
The men wouldn't even have to be nice looking as long as there was no plumber's crack, and they cleaned up after themselves and put things back to where I wanted them. No - it would be nice for them to be hunks but that's asking a whole lot. I just want some things done.
So I am assuming everyone here knows what a 'Honey Do List' is, right? Well, for those who don't - it's a list of chores assigned by one's spouse, sweetheart, mate, etc. Both men and women actually use this term but both use it way differently although the results still seem to be the same. Either way, we know the person wants or needs something. So soon as we start hearing tho 1st three letters (hon), we know to start looking for a way out. You can see it in the eyes of the guy. Laugh and watch.
So where did this 'Honey Do List' come from? How does it start? We know it is a list of chores or projects that we want our spouse, mate, or lover to take care of. It’s not that we can’t take care of ourselves. It’s just that we think they should do it. The mentality is “I do enough. So this is your share”.
Don't you ever wonder why the list continues to get longer rather than getting accomplished? People say that the reason for this is because it’s a chore list and has no value to the person who has to accomplish the chore.
This is why we need 'Honey Do Men'!
So I am taking applications. Please apply here. I will test you first on my chores and see how you do and yes, check for the butt crack. If you pass my examinations, I will pass your name on to the whole wide web! Just think, a man pleasing all those women!