Patience saves you money. Patience saves time, reduces stress, and improves your relationships. With patience, you have the ability to achieve things that are simply not possible without it. Using patience, you can more fully understand and be understood.
Looking at life with patience, you can uncover and experience rich treasures that you otherwise never would have known about. Living with patience, you develop the persistence to create great and valuable things.
Patience does not mean sitting back and doing nothing. On the contrary, patience means always doing the very best you can do, while understanding that the results you seek will not come immediately.
Patience is the acknowledgement that the quality of life is much more important than the quantity of things with which you fill it. Patience is the willingness to accept what is, for right now, while putting all you have into creating the best that can be.
Make the most of the many opportunities life provides for you to practice patience. With patience is your life fully and richly lived.
-- Ralph Marston
Wow....pretty powerful words. I love Ralph Marston's website and his daily posts.
"Patience is a Virtue" - any mother, any employee, any owner of a new kitten or puppy, any father, any child who thinks they want something......we all learn about patience. It isn't a habit, or something to be learned. Instead patience is a state of balance that rises simply out of understanding - a gift that comes after a period of time, struggle, perspective, judgement, and a peacefulness of the mind. Wikipedia defined it as "the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast." For a Christian, it is one of the seven virtues that goes with chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, kindness, and humility.
I am still learning it. Somehow it pops up every single day in some way, shape, or form.