So tonight we get a phone call from MIL. She fell. At first she wouldn't tell us how or where - only that it hurt to move her arm. We had life alert installed in her house. I told her to push the button and tell them you need an ambulance to go to the ER and we would meet her there. No, she doesn't want to do that. Instead she called a neighbor to take her. He called us letting us know he was doing it. I said we would be there as soon as we finished with the patients already in the office. I then called people to let them know my husband would not be at the board meeting he was supposed to be at.
Off we go to the hospital near MIL. Of course, there is a line a mile long to just get into the ER. She complained about the line. I said that if she had taken the ambulance like I told her to, she would already be inside being treated. I asked if she told the nurse she had shingles. Of course, that didn't even occur to her to tell them because she doesn't believe she has them. (major eyeroll). So I go to the nurse's station and state that MIL has shingles. They take her back immediately which I knew they would.
3 hours later, she was diagnosed with a compression fracture of her left humerus. She was put in a sling and told to see an orthopedic surgeon this week. As I was undressing her, I noticed more shingles on her body - now on her back. She states she was just scratching and they weren't shingles. When the doctor came in to examine her, I had him look too and ask him to give her his opinion of what those were. He said Shingles - definitely. So now she has had 2 separate doctors confirm that she has them.
Want to know why or how or where she fell? She was raking the leaves off her bushes and fell backwards, hitting her head but breaking her fall with her left arm, which of course is the arm she broke.
Who in the right mind would rake leaves off of their bushes?????????
Oy Vey!