Over the years others have given us lists of the 7 greatest man-made wonders of the world. This website allows you to vote for the new 7 wonders: http://www.vote7.com/n7w
This is a funny website - you get to learn how to write in "Ooblgshezi". What? You don't know what that word means? Well, for those of you who don't. it is the trick of using numbers upside down to 'spell words'. For example: sell = 7735 and google is 376006. When I was young a long long long time ago, my girlfriends and I developed out own language so we could write in our diaries or notes to each other without anyone knowing what we wrote. I came across one of those notebooks a few years ago and I had no clue to what I had written - I finally figured out that I had taken the alphabet and moved all letters 3 spaces to the left and then used that letter to say a word (say I wanted to use the letter I - I would instead use the letter g and so on. Of course none of the words made sense unless you knew how to decode it. So if you do invent your own language, make sure you write the code down somewhere for when you are old old old and want to remember what you were thinking back then. Oh yeah, the website is : www.langmaker.com/calculatorwords.htm
Who can interpret this: 0.7734 6078 1 <3 5376616