Saturday, October 27, 2007

Ankle Update

I am in an air cast and ace bandages until surgery. I will be having an ankle arthroscopy to clean up the joint which is full of scar tissue and the syndesmotic surgery with the tight rope procedure to keep my tibia and fibula together as they should be (only half the ligaments have healed). Then the surgeon will open up my ankle on the inside of the foot and repair the post tibial tendon, then open up my ankle on the outside of the foot and probably use the cadaver ligament and make me an new ATF ligament. Hopefully I will be able to stand and walk again after it is all done. We are leaving the damaged and irritated seral nerve alone right now and see if it calms down in the next year. It is the one that is causing the hot poker type pain I have that travels to the knee. I find out when surgery will be by Tuesday.

Off now to go get ready for the fancy smancy dinner dance. I will post pics tomorrow.