Monday, November 26, 2007


I missed posting this pic for you for am posting it now.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Well, I feel my age. People told me that as one ages, it is harder to recuperate from having surgery. I totally believe them now. My surgery was the 15th and I have been mainly on my rear most of the time. I have managed to get some work done between anti-inflammatory meds since they knock me out but remembering things is hard. Hubs had an emergency patient this past weekend and sent him for some bloodwork. Well, we can access the results now via a secure log problem you say? Yeah well every 15 days it asks you to change your password so I changed it. I have no idea what I changed it to so we had to call the hospital to have it reset. All I can say is this surgery has been harder to recuperate from than I ever expected. Up until last Friday I had hot poker shooting pains coming from my ankle to the knee and then to the hip. I rarely slept and Thanksgiving I spent on the floor of our family room floor snuggling with the doggies while hubs and kids went to his parent's house. I was perfectly fine with that. They brought me home a doggie bag but I had hubs make me an omelette as my tummy gets nauseated from pain and pain meds. Last Friday hubs took me to his office and took off my cast and gave me a nerve block into my right knee which promptly put my leg to sleep and ended those nasty spasms. I haven't had one since which is doing a lot for my mood. Hubs called me a bear with a thorn in its paw.....I think he was being nice. I was a bitch.

So I am still not allowed to return to work at the offices yet but can work at home. I am catching up on the sleep I didn't get the past week or so and yesterday slept 12 hours all in a row. I couldn't believe it. Slowly I feel my energy coming back. Friday I get the stitches out and recasted. Maybe I can start going back to work then.