Monday, November 10, 2008

Bulldogs and Possum - Oh My!

People do not believe me when I tell them about my everyday occurrences. Here's tonight's event.

I am calmly talking on the phone to a friend to remind her that I won't be home until really late tomorrow since I have a wake to attend after work when the bulldogs barked to be let out. I get up and open the door. Both bulldogs sped faster than a speeding bullet (ok faster than any bulldog I have met) to the middle of our half acre back yard and cornered something. Now in our yard the bulldogs have this tendency to find every skunk in the area and for some reason it only happens when I am watching them. Last year it was a litter of baby skunks. Who knew baby skunks have spraying power? I could market Eu de Skunk.

I screamed to the bulldogs as soon as I saw them run (yeah if you heard that noise about 9:32PM - it was me), screamed in the phone to hang on and threw it on the table, screamed to my husband and son to help and started outside. I see this animal running. I see one bulldog (who I have nicknamed Pokey although after tonight I am renaming her possessed) running (yes running) to the one side of said animal. I see the other bulldog who doesn't think she is a bulldog (she leaps and catches frisbees in mid-air, but who has an acl tendon injury and shouldn't be running) running up the other side. They corner the animal on either side and attack the animal. Personally they ran and cornered better than any Bears player I saw this past weekend.

So hubs and son go out and get the dogs back to the house where I am checking every inch of their bodies for tooth marks, blood, anything. Hubs and son come inside and say it was a possum and it isn't moving. I am thinking........yeah that. Daughter leaves said granddoggies in my care and yet again within 24 hours something happens and I am running up vet bills again.

I call the emergency vet. Hubs and son go back to the playing dead possum and with a flashlight see it is breathing but it is curled into a fetal position. They throw a ball at it. It doesn't move. They can't tell if it is breathing or not.

Vet says if there are no open cuts or scrapes on the dogs, they should be fine and they just had all their shots but don't let them back out until the possum leaves. I am thinking it will be until Friday and daughter gets back before I let the dogs back outside again. Also wondering if the possum is just playing dead or is really dead and then who do I call for possum removal? And yes, friend - I did think of you too. Did I say goodbye? If not, sorry. Kinda got distracted.

And people say my life is unbelievable! (I made hubs go out and take the pic of the possum so you really believe me).

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