Sunday, April 5, 2009

Book Review - Sacred Heart Diaries

From Ms. Giggles:
Sacred Heart Diaries is a thematic collection of naughty short stories set in the late 18th century. Sacred Heart is an isolated convent in which our impoverished but enterprising 18-year old Candacis Vremont decides to send stories of the amorous and carnal adventures of her fellow Sacred Heart inhabitants to her cousin Philipe for publication. Supposedly she wants the world to know that women are capable of taking part in hornytoad adventures, blah blah highbrow blah-blah'isms, which is why, of course, I am reading this book, to enlighten myself that I too should break down the hypocrisy of society, et cetera. Oh, and the stories are pretty hot too, which makes the chore of enlightening myself about the true nature of humanity and what-not more edifying.

Yep, all that and more. It was one of the best set of short stories I have ever read. Felt even a bit naughtier when reading them on my new Sony505 ereader during lectures. But Ms. Vremont nailed the Catholic schoolgirl to a tee.

5 of 5 stars from me. Note - this will fall under erotica reading.