Friday, May 1, 2009

Guilty Pleasure

This was one of my birthday presents and one of the bestest things I have ever asked for....well the 4 griddle pizzelle maker is up there along with my IPod and my pressure cooker and bread maker....ok it is up there as one of my favorite presents aka guilty pleasures.

I had done some research before I finally decided on the Sony. The main reason is that the Sony will allow you to read books in the following formats: BBeB, PDF, TXT, RTF, ePub, LRX, MP3, AAC, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, and RSS. This means that I am not stuck with just downloading books from one site but can go anywhere. Sony's booklist has grown even in the couple of months I have been going there and I hope that trend continues. I got 100 free classics with my Sony and I loved getting copies of some of my all-time favorite authors like Jane Austen, etc.

I think my reading has actually increased. I find the Sony easier to hold and turn pages than a regular book. I thought it might be strange not holding an actual book and reading but in reality I have learned that it wasn't the tactile experience of holding the book that was so enjoyable but what I was reading. I love the convenience and ease when you turn the pages. I love the idea that I don't have to get out of bed to find another book if I finish that one. I love the idea that if I get tired, I don't have to find a bookmark to mark my page - all I have to do is shut it off and when I turn it back on, it goes right back to the page I had left off. I love the organization of the books. I love that I can delete books after reading them with the knowledge that they are always stored on my computer and in one place instead of scattered all around the house. I love that if I run out of books, I just have to log on my computer and download a few more instead of making a bookstore run. I love that I am actually saving money although that is a little iffy right now because I have noticed the amount of books I am going through per week has increased. I love the simplicity of it all - the fact that I can carry it with me at all times and have something to do while waiting for doctor appointments, etc.

For those of you worried that the electronic words are blurry - rest assured they aren't. I love that the backlight on it isn't as bright as a reading light so it doesn't bother my husband yet it is bright enough for me to read. I love that I don't have to turn to the reading light but can lay on either side, saving my left elbow from its usual callous. Plus it is pretty light and comfortable in your hand.

As for how many books it holds, I am not sure. I haven't reached the max yet. In the 6 weeks I have had it, I have only had to recharge it twice.

Am I still buying books? Some. Not many. I have one collection in hard backs - Danielle Steele and I will continue that collection. But all others are now in Sony format.

I.Heart.My.Sony 505. It is one of my guilty pleasures.

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