Sorry about no post yesterday - was doing a bunch of work and when I finally had time to do the blog post, a huge thunderstorm hit with 70 mph winds and hail and then no power. It also was in the midst of hubs installing a new garbage disposal. Now nothing against my husband but he is a male - a male who just can't understand some things are beyond him - especially things like fixing items that break in the house. He is a fantastic surgeon, a good cook, etc.......but mechanical items needing repair and my husband just don't mix.
If an item states it takes 1-2 hours to install (I actually know it only took 30 minutes for the repairman to install a new garbage disposal 2 years ago), my husband turns it into a 1-7 day project. Don't know why.......or maybe I do - he doesn't like reading directions or following them.
I bet you are wondering now why we need a new garbage disposal after only 2 years. Well, in the past 2 years my husband and son have been in charge of my kitchen. That should be 'nuff said. But I know you all need more of an explanation. I knew I did. So my half Polish husband (other half Italian) decided that he knew where the certificate was for the last disposal and sure enough the receipt stated it was to last 5 years. It's the fine print that got him - NORMAL WEAR. We didn't have normal wear with our disposal. No - spoons, forks, silverware, anything we don't want to put our fine lily white hands into got put down the disposal. That's not normal wear. That's cruelty.
So day 2, I am still without a kitchen sink. Anyone taking bets on how long it takes him to install it or how long it takes me to call someone to just put it in? Bet I know who would be faster!