Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Yes you read that right. My new word of the day is crapactular. Thanks Reyd! I am loving this word.

If there was any word to sum up my last year it would be crapactular.

Hubs and I have $20.00 to our name. That twenty has to last us a week maybe more. We finally got our practice management software back so I can get billing out. But with all the legal fees which of course had to be paid up front, we are down to our last twenty.

Do you think family would help us? Why would they? There is a wedding to plan for in January. There is a sister in the midst of a divorce so my father bought her a house. Brother's wife has gout again (no idea why that should mean anything but that was their excuse). Inlaw's money is tied up in a trust. Brother in law and his wife who combined make over $300,000.00 per year have a plane to worry about. Why should they help? After all they have never acknowledged their god daughter or their only grand niece. They don't attend or help with anything.

Somehow we will eat and put on a Thanksgiving dinner.

I will have faith. It will come together.

In the meantime, I am going with everything is peachy keen and crapactular!

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