Saturday, March 14, 2020

Happy Birthday

Today I turn 66 years old! It will be an interesting day! Working in a few hours then trying once again to get weekly groceries from stores that have been picked clean from people who have no idea on how to live without eating out etc. These strange people do not know how to actually interact with their own family. It is like they are being sent to prison. We are in a health crises with Covid-19 and as of yesterday, the President of the US declared a national emergency. People are buying toilet paper like they have never used it before. There is no anti-bacterial solution to be found but actually plenty of good old fashioned soap. Since our house knows how to cook from scratch no matter the ingredients, I can’t wait to see what is left for us to make a meal out of. We are health care professionals who will not have the luxury of working “remote” or quarantined inside our house.

But today I turn 66. Wonder if any of my so called family will bother to call. Not one of them called to wish my husband happy birthday last month. NOT ONE!!! No call, no text, not even a Facebook acknowledgement. Son and husband have already given me birthday wishes and I know daughter and granddaughter will call and we will FaceTime later.

Very strange birthday this year!

1 comment:

Jill S. said...

Happy belated birthday